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How did the Loisels pay off the debt?

How did the Loisels pay off the debt? The Loisels had to buy a diamond necklace for thirty-six thousand francs to replace the one that was lost. Matilda had to cut down on the household expenses and save money while Mr Loisel worked overtime and did copying work at nights. In this way, they could repay the money in ten years.

Why is Madame Loisel upset at the beginning of the story?

Madame Loisel is unhappy because she is ashamed of her social standing. Madam Loisel has always dreamed of a luxurious life with servants and such, and is unhappy because she is not wealthy. She becomes even more upset when she is invited to a ball.

What did the Loisels do to pay their frightful debt?

Answer: In the Guy de Maupassant short story « The Necklace, » Madame Loisel borrows an apparently expensive necklace from her friend Madame Forestier, and then loses it at the party that she attends. The Loisels immediately make arrangements to replace the necklace, borrowing 36,000 francs to buy a new one.

How long does it take the Loisels to pay their debts?

Monsieur Loisel works three jobs, and Mathilde spends all her time doing the heavy housework. This misery lasts ten years, but at the end they have repaid their financial debts.

What do the Loisels do in order to pay their debts?

Madame Loisel and her husband must borrow money when they find a necklace that looks the same as the original. Madame Loisel gives the replacement necklace to her friend. In order to pay back the debt, Madame Loisel dismisses her servant and performs her own house duties. After ten years of hard work, the debt is paid.

Why was the girl unhappy in The Necklace?

She is upset because she does not have anything appropriate to wear. She is upset because she does not know how to act at a ball. She is excited because she always wanted to go to a ball. She is nervous because her ball gown is old and used.

Why did Loisel save 400 francs?

Why had M. Loisel been saving 400 francs? He wanted to buy himself a hunting rifle. … She is Mme Loisel’s wealthy friend from school.

Why is Mathilde Loisel unhappy in her marriage?

Why is Mathilde Loisel unhappy early in her marriage? She didn’t have a degree and she couldn’t get a job.

What Spoiled Mr and Mrs Loisel pleasure?

Loisel had lost the necklace that she had borrowed from her friend and instead of confessing it to the owner, she got into more debt and poverty in order to repay the amount. so this loss of necklace spoiled Mr. and Mrs. loisel pleasure .

What did Loisel replace?

Unable to find the diamond necklace, the Loisels had to replace it with a new one. they had to buy a new necklace worth thirty-six thousand dollars. … So, Matilda arranged a beautiful dress and borrowed a marvelous diamond necklace from her friend, Mme Forestier to look beautiful and rich in the ball. She lost it.

What all did they do to repay the necklace?

Answer: In the Guy de Maupassant short story « The Necklace, » Madame Loisel borrows an apparently expensive necklace from her friend Madame Forestier, and then loses it at the party that she attends. The Loisels immediately make arrangements to replace the necklace, borrowing 36,000 francs to buy a new one.

What is the moral lesson of the necklace?

The moral lesson of the story, « the necklace » is that we shouldn’t live a materialistic life as it can make our life’s filled with sorrow and grief.

What tortured and angered her?

The cause of Matilda’s ruin was her longing for a good life. She suffered from the poverty of her apartment, the shabby walls and the worn chairs. All these things tortured and angered her. She was always dissatisfied, always unhappy, always craving for all the delicacies and luxuries of life.

Why was Mathilde unhappy with her life at the opening of the story?

Why was Mathilde unhappy with her life at the opening of the story? She felt that she deserved better than what she had. She was especially unhappy with her husband as she felt she should have married into a higher social class.

What kind of a person is Mr Loisel?

You can describe him as loving, frustrated, satisfied, clueless, and honest. Monsieur Loisel is a loving, if not subservient, husband. He wants to do what his wife wants, or anything to make her happy. He sacrifices his comfort for hers.

How long does it take Mr and Mrs Loisel to pay off their debt from the necklace?

Mathilde Loisel

When she prepares to attend a fancy party, she borrows a diamond necklace from her friend Madame Forestier, then loses the necklace and must work for ten years to pay off a replacement.

Why was Matilda always unhappy after her marriage?

Matilda was always unhappy in her early married life because she was born in a family of clerks which seemed to be an error of destiny. She had high aspirations. She felt grieved at her miserable condition. She thought that she was born for all delicacies and luxuries of the world.

Why was Matilda unhappy with her life at the opening of the story?

Why was Mathilde unhappy with her life at the opening of the story? She felt that she deserved better than what she had. She was especially unhappy with her husband as she felt she should have married into a higher social class.

Why was Mathilde unhappy with her life at the beginning of the story?

Mathilde Loisel is unhappy with her life at the beginning of « The Necklace » by Guy de Maupassant because she has been unhappy with her circumstances virtually since she was born. The first lines of the story explain that Mathilde grew up in a lower class home without any prospects.

Why did Matilda put up another demand after her husband gave her 400 francs for buying a pretty dress?

Loisel) put up another demand after her husband gave her 400 francs for buying a pretty dress? … s demand of having a suitable constume was fulfilled and her dress was almost ready. But then, she put forward another demand. She was vexed not to have any jewels.

Why was Mr Loisel saving money?

He wants her to be happy. He spends a huge savings that he had saved for years to buy a gun for his hobby for buying a pretty dress for his wife so that she could attend a big party and enjoy it. When the costly necklace is lost, he spends all his savings and even borrow to repay it.

What was the greatest mistake of Mrs Loisel?

The single mistake that Mrs. Loisel did just to flaunt her beauty and grace was that necklace. When she saw the necklace in Madame Forestier’s home, she was so fascinated to wear a high cost jewel. She only thought of her pretty victory at the ball .

Why was Mathilde unhappy with her life at the beginning?

Mathilde Loisel is unhappy with her life at the beginning of « The Necklace » by Guy de Maupassant because she has been unhappy with her circumstances virtually since she was born. The first lines of the story explain that Mathilde grew up in a lower class home without any prospects.

Why was Mathilde never happy with her normal day to day life?

Mathilde unrealistic dreams cost her and her husband ten years of their life. Mathilde allows her life to be miserable because of her dreams of great wealth. She is also disappointed in her husband who always supports her and caters to her every desire.



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