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Is there a weather app that shows cloud cover?

Is there a weather app that shows cloud cover? Astrospheric is another awesome weather app that shows cloud cover by the hour and includes a radar that shows the clouds moving over your location. You can watch the radar or click on a particular hour to see the cloud cover prediction and location of the clouds.

Can you predict colorful sunsets?

Clouds are a crucial factor for predicting dramatic sunsets. … High to mid-level clouds are the most effective canvases, as they easily reflect the colors of the setting sun. Puffy clouds on the horizon at sunset will generally not allow the sun rays to pass through them, thus muting the sunset colors.

Which is better AccuWeather or weather Channel?

The Weather Channel and Weather Underground are again at the top of the stack nationwide for forecasting high temperatures, but AccuWeather far surpasses all rivals in its ability to predict low temperatures to within three degrees. … Places like Florida, California and Alaska are easier to forecast with high accuracy.

What is the number one weather app?

AccuWeather, Dark Sky, Weather Underground, Today Weather, and NOAA Radar Live are the best weather apps for Android.

What is the best free weather app?

The best free weather apps

  • The Weather Channel – Free.
  • Apple’s Weather App – Free.
  • Weather Underground – Free.
  • AccuWeather – Free.
  • Dark Sky ($3.99)
  • Carrot Weather ($4.99)

What time is golden hour?

Golden hour is the first hour after sunrise and the last hour of light before sunset that produces a warm natural light. That window of time is determined by where you are geographically, as well as the season. Golden hour occurs when the Sun is between six degrees below the horizon and six degrees above.

Why is the sunset colorful?

Sunset colors are created by a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering. It’s the same phenomenon that makes the sky appear blue during the day. Sunlight contains all the colors of the rainbow. … Nitrogen and oxygen molecules in our atmosphere act as little mirrors for blue and violet light, in particular.

Can sunsets predict?

Three meteorologists have come up with a way to predict the most spectacular sunsets. Their model takes into account high or low clouds, moisture, pressure and up to 20 other conditions by analyzing 14 gigabytes of data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Why is AccuWeather so inaccurate?

The first reason your current weather may not match your app is that you might be very far from the closest observed weather station. … AccuWeather tries to correct for that by using formulas that take the data and adjust it to the weather outside of your window.

Why is Iphone weather app so inaccurate?

As it turns out, they do, they just have different ways of interpreting their data, ultimately leading to different weather forecasts. … quality control of the data, space and time scale for which the information is valid, rendering of the information [or] interpretation by the user of the information. »

What is the best free weather app for iPad?

7 Best Weather Apps for iPad (January 2021)

  • Carrot Weather.
  • The Weather Channel.
  • Dark Sky.
  • AccuWeather.
  • Wunderground.
  • Windy.
  • WeatherBug.
  • Bonus: AirVisual.

Why is AccuWeather always wrong?

The first reason your current weather may not match your app is that you might be very far from the closest observed weather station. … AccuWeather tries to correct for that by using formulas that take the data and adjust it to the weather outside of your window.

What weather app pilots use?

For Android users who are searching for a reliable and easy-to-use aviation weather apps, Avia Weather is a good option. This app decodes and presents the current METARs of over 9,500 airports worldwide. With a simple color-coding system, pilots can receive quick classifications of VFR or IFR conditions.

What is the simplest weather app?

MyRadar is a simple app that shows you a weather radar. It has a full range of features, including the ability to play animations so you can see if the rain is coming or going. The app itself is simple but you can buy additional feature as in-app purchases.

Why is iPhone weather app so inaccurate?

As it turns out, they do, they just have different ways of interpreting their data, ultimately leading to different weather forecasts. … quality control of the data, space and time scale for which the information is valid, rendering of the information [or] interpretation by the user of the information. »

Is it better to take pictures in the morning or afternoon?

The best time of day to take portrait photos is in the couple hours after sunrise and the couple hours before sunset. Within that time, it is better to shoot after the morning golden hour or before the evening golden hour.

How long does golden hour last?

The golden hour is also sometimes called the « magic hour, » especially by cinematographers. During these times, the brightness of the sky matches the brightness of streetlights, signs, car headlights and lit windows. The « hour » actually lasts about twenty or thirty minutes.

What time is Blue Hour?

The blue hour generally lasts the 20 to 30 minutes just after sunset and just before sunrise. For example, if the sun sets at 5 p.m., the blue hour would last from approximately 5:10 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.. If the sun rises at 5 a.m., the blue hour lasts from about 4:30 a.m. to 4:50 a.m.

Why are California sunsets so colorful?

The beautiful colors from a sunset are caused by the atmosphere. As the sun gets lower and lower in the sky, its light passes through more and more air layers—compared to noontime, when the sun is directly overhead. And those layers are filled with dust and water particles.

Why is the sky orange at 3am?

The National Weather Service says orange skies are common following storms that move in just as the sun is setting. … Shorter wavelengths of light (blue) are scattered quickly, leaving only the yellow-orange-red end of the spectrum,” the weather service reports.

Why is the Sun so red today 2021?

The sun’s red tinge is a result of dense smoke particles in the upper reaches of the atmosphere interacting with sunlight, scattering incoming light into the long wavelengths of red light. Those longer wavelengths ultimately give the sky a reddish-orange tint.

How do you know when the sunset will be pretty?

Wispy, high-altitude clouds are indications of a “high quality” sunset/sunrise, while low and thick clouds lower the score. Forecasts are displayed as a color-coded map of the continental US — a better sunset is indicated by warmer colors.

How do you predict a pretty sunrise?

For an ideal sunrise or sunset, you should look for a high cloud cover. If the clouds are too low, they will block the red and orange colors that we are hoping to see in the sky. We also want to see very puffy clouds. If the cloud cover is too thick, those red and orange wavelengths won’t be able to penetrate them.

What causes pink sunsets?

The bright reds to soothing yellows and soft pinks we see in the sky come from sunlight scattered by air molecules – a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering. … When there are more aerosols or smog, more sunlight is scattered, resulting in purple or pink sunsets.



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