The short answer is that the bundled security solution from Microsoft is pretty good at most things. But the longer answer is that it could do better—and you can still do better with a third-party antivirus app.
The short answer is that the bundled security solution from Microsoft is pretty good at most things. But the longer answer is that it could do better—and you can still do better with a third-party antivirus app.
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- Ouvrez l'invite de commande Windows. - Rendez-vous dans le dossier où se situe le fichier à vérifier. - Tapez la commande suivante : certutil -hashfile "nom du fichier" MD5.
– Ouvrez l’invite de commande Windows.
See less– Rendez-vous dans le dossier où se situe le fichier à vérifier.
– Tapez la commande suivante : certutil -hashfile « nom du fichier » MD5.