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How many wives Lord Shiva have?

How many wives Lord Shiva have?

Festivals Maha Shivaratri, Shraavana, Kartik Purnima, Bhairava Ashtami
Personal information
Spouse Parvati and Sati (Shakti)
Children Kartikeya and Ganesha

Who is father of Lord Shiva?

A few days later, pleased by Vishwanar’s devotion, Lord Shiva was born as Grihapati to the sage and his wife. This avatar of Lord Shiva was born to Sage Atri and his wife, Anasuya. He was known for being short-tempered and commanded respect both from the humans as well as the Devas.

Why did Shiva cut his wife in 52 pieces?

Legends describe Sati as the favourite child of Daksha but she married Shiva against her father’s wishes. After Daksha humiliated her, Sati killed herself to protest against him, and uphold the honour of her husband. … It is believed that parts of Sati’s corpse fell on fifty-one places and formed the Shakti Peethas.

Who killed Lord Shiva?

The wrathful Yama assumed a fearsome form and threw his noose to capture Markandeya, who hugged the linga tightly. When the noose touched the linga, Shiva emerged from it in all his wrath and struck Yama with his Trishula and kicked his chest, killing the Lord of Death.

Who is the son of Shiva?

How many sons did Lord Shiva have? Shiva is known to have two sons — the lovable elephant-headed god Ganesha, the destroyer of obstacles and Lord Kartikeya, the god of war.

Who is mother of Shiva?

She is the divine energy between a man and a woman, like the energy of Shiva and Shakti . She is also one of the five equivalent deities worshipped in Panchayatana puja of the Smarta Tradition of Hinduism.

Consort Shiva
Children Ganesha and Kartikeya

How was God Shiva born?

Many believe that God Shiva is a Sayambhu – which means He is not born from a human body. He was created automatically! He was there when there was nothing and He will remain even after everything is destructed. That is why; he is also loving called as the ‘Adi-Dev’ which means the ‘Oldest God of the Hindu mythology.

How was God born?

In monotheistic thought, God is conceived of as the supreme being, creator, and principal object of faith. … God has been conceived as either personal or impersonal. In theism, God is the creator and sustainer of the universe, while in deism, God is the creator, but not the sustainer, of the universe.

Who was wife of Shiva?

Parvati, (Sanskrit: “Daughter of the Mountain”) also called Uma, wife of the Hindu god Shiva.

Why did Shiva killed Parvati?

In the Shiva Purana, when Shiva was meditating on Mount Mandara, Parvati was in a playful mood and covered Shiva’s eyes. This caused the whole universe to become covered in darkness. … Brahmā granted Andhaka these wishes, but warned him that he could still be killed by Shiva.

Why does Parvati become Kali?

In a third version, men and gods were being terrorised by Daruka who could only be killed by a woman, and Parvati was asked by the gods to deal with the troublesome demon. … By combining with the poison still held in Shiva’s throat, Parvati was transformed into Kali.

Who is the mother of Lord Shiva?

Parents Himavan (father) Maināvati (mother)
Siblings Ganga (elder sister) Vishnu (elder brother)
Consort Shiva
Children Ganesha and Kartikeya

Is Shiva immortal?

Both Shiva and Indra are immortal deities. Shiva’s immortality is achieved by tapasya; Kama, god of desire, is sacrificed during tapasya. Indra’s immortality is achieved through yagna performed to satisfy bhoga, the fulfillment of desire. As long as there is desire for bhoga, there will be yagna.

Did Lord Shiva get periods?

She told us a story that when Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati were young, it was the men that would get their periods and bleed from their armpits, but one day when Shiva had to go and on a war, he couldn’t so Parvati being the eternal best wife that she is told Shiva that being a woman she can hide the blood in between …

Is shivling a male organ?

According to Rohit Dasgupta, the lingam symbolizes Shiva in Hinduism, and it is also a phallic symbol. Since the 19th-century, states Dasgupta, the popular literature has represented the lingam as the male sex organ.

Who is the most powerful God in the world?

Shiva is also considered as the God of Gods. The existence which represents infinity itself. He is the supreme masculine divinity in this universe and is lord of the three worlds (Vishwanath) and is second to none in wrath and power.

Is Shiva good or bad?

Shiva is the third god in the Hindu triumvirate. … Shiva is therefore seen as the source of both good and evil and is regarded as the one who combines many contradictory elements. Shiva is known to have untamed passion, which leads him to extremes in behaviour.

Who is the brother of Lord Shiva?

He is a son of Parvati and Shiva, brother of Ganesha , and a god whose life story has many versions in Hinduism.

Parents Shiva (father) Parvati (mother)
Siblings Ganesha (brother)
Consort Devasena or Devayanai and Valli

Who is the first god?

God of Creation, knowledge and Vedas; Creator of the Universe
Member of Trimurti
A roundel with a depiction of Brahma, 19th century
Other names Svayambhu, Virinchi, Prajapati

Who Are God’s parents?

A godparent (also known as a sponsor, or gossiprede), in Christianity, is someone who bears witness to a child’s christening and later is willing to help in their catechesis, as well as their lifelong spiritual formation.

Who is the first God?

God of Creation, knowledge and Vedas; Creator of the Universe
Member of Trimurti
A roundel with a depiction of Brahma, 19th century
Other names Svayambhu, Virinchi, Prajapati

What is God’s appearance?

The Bible describes God’s appearance as a brilliant light because there is no darkness in Him at all (1 John 1:5). This describes God’s beauty, holiness, and purity. God is completely good and pure in His dealings with mankind.

Why did Parvati marry Shiva?

Meanwhile, Parvati, the reincarnation of Sati, was born to Himavan, the god of the Himalayas and his wife the apsara Mena. She underwent severe austerities to compel Shiva to marry her. The gods, desperate to hasten the birth of Shiva’s son, sent Kamadeva, the god of love, to disturb Shiva’s meditation.

Did Lord Shiva have period?

She told us a story that when Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati were young, it was the men that would get their periods and bleed from their armpits, but one day when Shiva had to go and on a war, he couldn’t so Parvati being the eternal best wife that she is told Shiva that being a woman she can hide the blood in between …



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