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Is there a third position in ballet?

Is there a third position in ballet? In the third position, the heel of one foot rests against the instep of the other; both are firmly turned out, and the weight is divided between them. Used extensively in 18th-century social ...

What is the author’s message in Heart of Darkness?

What is the author’s message in Heart of Darkness? One of the major themes of Heart of Darkness is imperialism. Imperialism is actually European colonization of countries from Asian and African continents for resources. However, it was hidden in the ...

Who got Tony Curtis’s money?

Who got Tony Curtis’s money? He fathered six children, but who did he leave his money to? Despite having children, Tony Curtis’ money was left to his wife. Jill Vandenburg Curtis, the actor’s fifth wife was the beneficiary of his ...

Which is better 5 micron or 20 micron?

Which is better 5 micron or 20 micron? For example, a 20-micron filter has larger openings than a 5-micron filter. … Flow capability usually drops off as the micron rating gets smaller, especially if the water has a lot of ...

What is The Little Prince most proud of?

What is The Little Prince most proud of? The little prince is proud of his flower. What is the moral lesson of The Little Prince? The moral lesson of The Little Prince is that love is all-important and allows us ...

Do Scottish folds like to cuddle?

Do Scottish folds like to cuddle? Scottish folds enjoy snuggling up to a soft blanket. Some can’t resist getting their paws on one. If you are lucky, you may get your cat to knead the blanket while lying in your ...

Which is the cheapest pet in India?

Which is the cheapest pet in India? If you are staying in India and looking for a dog breed then here is a list of the most budget friendly dogs in India: Labrador. Pariah. Dalmatian. Doberman. Indian Spitz. Dachshund. German ...

What are the 2 types of epics?

What are the 2 types of epics? There are two main types of epic: folk and literary. What are the 10 characteristics of an epic? Terms in this set (10) 1) magical protective devices. The hero is given magical protective ...

How many fish can be in a parrot tank?

How many fish can be in a parrot tank? What Size Aquarium Do They Need? A Blood Parrot Cichlid needs at least a 30 gallon tank – this will be enough for one fish. Every additional fish needs at least ...

Is Kimberley safe?

Is Kimberley safe? Crime rates in Kimberley, South Africa Level of crime 87.50 Very High Crime increasing in the past 3 years 81.25 Very High Worries home broken and things stolen 71.88 High Worries being mugged or robbed 66.67 High ...