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What are the toughest questions?

What are the toughest questions? Answered! Life’s 25 Toughest Questions

  1. Can love really last a lifetime? …
  2. Why do married folks begin to look like one another? …
  3. Can a marriage survive betrayal? …
  4. Why does summer zoom by and winter drag on forever? …
  5. Do animals really have a sixth sense? …
  6. Why does the line you’re in always move the slowest?

What are really hard questions?

Hard Questions to Ask Yourself, and Even Harder Questions to Answer

  • Do you feel like you’ve lived this same day many times before? …
  • Are you living the life of your dreams? …
  • What would you do if fear was not a factor and you could not fail? …
  • What were you doing when you felt most passionate and alive?

What is a trick question?

: a deceptive question that is intended to make one give an answer that is not correct or that causes difficulty.

What is the most hardest question in math?

These Are the 10 Toughest Math Problems Ever Solved

  • The Collatz Conjecture. Dave Linkletter. …
  • Goldbach’s Conjecture Creative Commons. …
  • The Twin Prime Conjecture. …
  • The Riemann Hypothesis. …
  • The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture. …
  • The Kissing Number Problem. …
  • The Unknotting Problem. …
  • The Large Cardinal Project.

What is the biggest question in life?

The 42 Biggest Questions About Life, the Universe, and Everything

  • What is Life? …
  • How Did Life on Earth Begin? …
  • How Abundant is Life in the Universe? …
  • How Does Life Solve Problems of Seemingly Impossible Complexity? …
  • Can We Understand and Cure the Diseases That Afflict Life? …
  • What is Consciousness?

What are tricky questions?

A tricky question is simply one that is difficult (tricky) to answer. A trick question is one that is intended to catch out (trick) the respondent.

What is the hardest question in science?

The Hardest Science Quiz You’ll Take Today

  • What kind of waves are present during an earthquake? …
  • What kind of energy does an unlit match have? …
  • Which of these is another way to write Newton’s second law of motion? …
  • What is it called when light changes direction after leaving a lens? …
  • How do you calculate density?

What is the hardest question in math?

Today’s mathematicians would probably agree that the Riemann Hypothesis is the most significant open problem in all of math. It’s one of the seven Millennium Prize Problems, with $1 million reward for its solution.

What’s a tricky question called?

A complex question, trick question, multiple question or plurium interrogationum is a question that has a presupposition that is complex. … The presupposition is called « complex » because it is a conjunctive proposition, a disjunctive proposition, or a conditional proposition.

What is a tricky question called?

A difficult or perplexing question or problem. poser. conundrum. enigma. mystery.

What are some tricky questions to ask?

125 Trick Questions

  • What are two things you can never eat for breakfast? …
  • What is always coming but never arrives? …
  • What gets wetter the more it dries? …
  • What can be broken but never held? …
  • What word is spelled incorrectly in every single dictionary? …
  • What is it that lives if it is fed, and dies if you give it a drink?

What is the hardest equation?

In 2019, mathematicians finally solved a math puzzle that had stumped them for decades. It’s called a Diophantine Equation, and it’s sometimes known as the “summing of three cubes”: Find x, y, and z such that x³+y³+z³=k, for each k from 1 to 100.

What is the hardest act section?

The ACT® Reading and ACT® Science sections are both the hardest and easiest to prepare for.

What are the 7 hardest math problems?

The problems are the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, Hodge conjecture, Navier–Stokes existence and smoothness, P versus NP problem, Poincaré conjecture, Riemann hypothesis, and Yang–Mills existence and mass gap.

What are the 3 big questions in life?

The Three Big Questions Are 1) What is the Value of Human Life Relative to A Unit of Economic Activity, 2) What is the Value of Necessities Relative to Luxuries and 3) Who Will and Should Benefit From All the Money That is Being Created?

What is a big question?

A Big Question may not have a unique, correct answer, but any answer that is the result of a collective construction of knowledge will have fulfilled its purpose. … Effectively, Big Questions are essential questions that: are open-ended; have no simple “right answer” and no “yes/no” answers.

What are your deepest questions in life?

365 Deep & Thought Provoking Questions to Ask Yourself (& Others)

  • When was the last time you tried something new? …
  • Who do you sometimes compare yourself to? …
  • What’s the most sensible thing you’ve ever heard someone say? …
  • What gets you excited about life? …
  • What life lesson did you learn the hard way?

How do you make tricky questions?

Table _unit8.3.1 Table 1 steps in creating a tricky question

  1. Review tricky topic and choose stumbling blocks. …
  2. Label your question. …
  3. Identify mistakes. …
  4. Write question to trigger mistake. …
  5. Write responses that are identified mistakes. …
  6. Review questions & answers.

How do you answer tricky questions?

Things to Keep in Mind When Answering Tricky/Tough Interview Questions

  1. First, the interviewer is *not* out to get you. …
  2. Next, it’s okay to say, “Hm, that’s a tough question, let me think for a minute.” No interviewer will fault you for doing this once or twice in an interview.

What question has no answer?

A rhetorical question is one for which the questioner does not expect a direct answer: in many cases it may be intended to start a discourse, or as a means of displaying or emphasize the speaker’s or author’s opinion on a topic.

What questions can science never answer?

  • COSMOLOGY. What came before the big bang? …
  • CYCLING. How does a bicycle stay upright? …
  • QUANTUM SCIENCE. Where does quantum weirdness end? …
  • TIME AND SPACE. Why do we move forwards in time? …
  • MISSING DIMENSIONS. Why does space have three dimensions? …
  • CASIMIR EFFECT. Can we get energy from nothing? …

What is the easiest math question?

If by ‘simplest’ you mean easiest to explain, then it’s arguably the so-called ‘Twin Prime Conjecture’. Even schoolchildren can understand it, but proving it has so far defeated the world’s best mathematicians. Prime numbers are the building blocks from which every whole number can be made.

Which country has toughest maths?

But when it comes to having the hardest math, China and South Korea top the list.

What is a bunch of hair called?

Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for BUNCH OF HAIR [tuft]

What are questions they ask in an interview?

Basic interview questions:

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • What are your strengths?
  • What are your weaknesses?
  • Why do you want this job?
  • Where would you like to be in your career five years from now?
  • What’s your ideal company?
  • What attracted you to this company?
  • Why should we hire you?

How do I ask a question on Instagram?

Start by tapping the sticker button after uploading a photo or video to Instagram Stories. Select the new question sticker and then type out your prompt. For example, you could write, “waiting for the bus… ask me questions!” Once you’ve written your prompt, place it wherever you’d like and share it to your story.



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