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What is the main theme of the poem up hill?

What is the main theme of the poem up hill? The main theme of Christina Rossetti’s 1861 narrative poem « Up-Hill » is essentially the meaning of life and death. The journey of life is one of spiritual nature; however, it is not an easy one. It can be a challenge—an uphill battle—but a challenge that one must learn how to overcome.

What type of poem is Remember by Christina Rossetti?

The poem “Remember” was published by Rossetti in 1862 as a part of her collection “Goblin Market” and Other Poems. It is a Petrarchan sonnet with a rhyme scheme of ABBA ABBA CDE CDE and is one of her better known poems.

What is the feeling described in the poem uphill?

The poem is metaphorical in nature (meaning that one thing is compared to another). In regards to this poem, life is compared to a journey uphill. What this means is, given walking uphill is challenging, life is challenging.

What type of poem is uphill?

Up-hill Analysis. Up-hill is written in a common style for poetry; it consists of four verses with four lines each. Notably, Up-hill is written from the perspective of two distinct narrators, one who asks questions, and one who provides answers.

Who are the two speakers in the poem uphill?

Expert Answers

The two speakers in the poem are a traveler asking for directions along their road to come and some local person who knows the way and is willing to share it.

Who falls in love with Gwendolyn?

Gwendolen is in love with Jack, whom she knows as Ernest. A model and arbiter of high fashion and society, Gwendolen speaks with unassailable authority on matters of taste and morality.

What does the speaker say is better than that you should remember and be sad?

Lines 13-14

The speaker says that, even if some vestige of her thoughts survives, it is much better (« by far« ) that her beloved forget her and be happy rather than remember her and be sad.

What does the silent land mean?

The ‘silent land’ (l. 2) – The speaker anticipates entering the ‘silent land’ which s/he perceives to be ‘far away’ from life on earth. As well as indicating physical distance, the phrase ‘far away’ is also suggestive of quite obvious differences. … Absence of life and communication.

Why is the name of the poem uphill?

In the poem ‘Uphill’ by Christina Rosetti, the poem’s title aligns well with other language in the poem that alludes to the theme of ‘work. ‘ Everyone knows what it is like to try to progress up a hill – it is harder than going downhill, or walking on the level.

What message does the poet want to convey through the poem uphill?

Answer: Explanation: The poet wants to convey that it is cruel to keep the wild animals in small enclosures of the zoo, away from their natural habitat. They feel angry, helpless and unhappy and remember their life and environment in the forest.

What does the road symbolize in uphill?

The road – In Up-hill, the road symbolises the journey the speaker takes. Instead of being straight, the fact that it is ‘winding’ and ‘up-hill’ suggests that the path is long and difficult.

Who was written the poem uphill?

Question 1. Who has written the poem ‘Uphill’? Answer: Christina Georgina Rossetti has written the poem ‘Uphill’.

What is the rhyme scheme of the poem uphill?

The poem is comprised of four stanzas with four lines each, following the ABAB rhyme scheme. In this way, the rhyme scheme separates the traveler from the guide, and the simplicity alleviates the pressure of the difficult topic. The meter starts with a trochee and shifts into alternating iambic pentameter and trimeter.

How many speakers are in the poem Uphill?

We’ve got two speakers in this poem: one asking questions, the other answering. Right from the start we get the feeling these questions have something to do with a trip. Our first batch has to do with a road—Is it uphill?

Why is the name of the poem Uphill?

In the poem ‘Uphill’ by Christina Rosetti, the poem’s title aligns well with other language in the poem that alludes to the theme of ‘work. ‘ Everyone knows what it is like to try to progress up a hill – it is harder than going downhill, or walking on the level.

Who is welcome in the inn in the poem Uphill?

Expert Answers

In Christina Rossetti’s poem « Uphill , » everyone is welcome at the inn. In fact, it is rather more sinister than that. « You cannot miss that inn » the traveller is told forbiddingly.

Are Jack and Gwendolen cousins?

Jack turns out not to be the son of some random rich merchant (which would anger his potential mother-in-law, Lady Bracknell), but a legitimate aristocrat. In fact, he’s Lady Bracknell’s nephew and Algernon’s older brother. This makes him Gwendolen’s cousin as well as lover. … So Jack/Ernest and Gwendolen get together.

Why did Cecily and Gwendolen argue?

Gwendolen Fairfax and Cecily Cardew are the two female leads in Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest. Both women provide the main source of conflict in this romantic comedy; they are the objects of affection. … Both women are: Intent on marrying a man named Ernest.

What is a Bunburyist?

Filters. (humorous) Avoiding one’s duties and responsibilities by claiming to have appointments to see a fictitious person.

Who is the speaker in the poem Remember?

In many ways the speaker of this poem is the young Christina Rossetti, at least a little bit.

What does the speaker ask the reader to do at the beginning of the poem?

What does the speaker ask the reader to do at the beginning of the poem? The speaker asks the reader to remember.

What is shift in a poem?

Shifts When connotation changes, or the rhythm of a poem changes (when there is a “shift”), this usually indicates a shift in tone or attitude.

What is the poem after death about?

Christina Rossetti’s « After Death » is a Petrarchan sonnet in which the speaker addresses a man who had been in her life, but she addresses him after she is dead. … The reader is able to observe the man who is mourning from a subjective point, by envisioning the scene through the eyes of the woman who is deceased.

What is a theme of this poem?

Theme is the lesson about life or statement about human nature that the poem expresses. To determine theme, start by figuring out the main idea. Then keep looking around the poem for details such as the structure, sounds, word choice, and any poetic devices.

Is Silent land a metaphor?

While « silent land » could mean different things in different contexts, in this poem it is a metaphor for death.



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