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What word rhymes with life?

What word rhymes with life?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
wife 100 Noun
knife 100 Noun
strife 100 Noun
rife 100 Adjective

What rhymes with happy?

Word Rhyme rating
unhappy 100
snappy 100
pappy 100
nappy 100

What rhymes crying?

Word Rhyme rating
shy 100
dye 100
sigh 100
ally 100

What word rhymes with God?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
nod 100 Noun, Verb
cod 100 Noun
squad 100 Noun
sod 100 Noun

What word rhymes with best?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
lest 100 Adverb
vest 100 Noun
jest 100 Noun
attest 100 Verb

What word did Eminem rhyme with orange?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the only word that perfectly rhymes with “orange” is “sporange,” an uncommon botanical term for a part of a fern. But that just gets Eminem all riled up, like a door hinge.

What words rhymes with best?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
lest 100 Adverb
vest 100 Noun
jest 100 Noun
attest 100 Verb

What word rhymes with sleep?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
leap 100 Noun, Verb
creep 100 Noun, Verb
heap 100 Noun
weep 100 Verb

What rhymes soaked?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
stroked 100 Verb
joked 100 Verb
cloaked 100 Adjective
yoked 100 Verb

What’s a word for crying?

1 wail, keen, moan. 2 sob, bawl, whimper. 3 yowl, bawl, clamor, vociferate, exclaim, ejaculate, scream.

What rhymes on high?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
lie 100 Verb, Noun
sky 100 Noun
reply 100 Noun, Verb
cry 100 Noun, Verb

What word rhymes with gold?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
rolled 100 Adjective
fold 100 Noun, Verb
bold 100 Adjective
mold 100 Noun

What word rhymes with King?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
wring 100 Verb
ging 100 Verb
zing 100 Noun
shing 100 Noun, Verb

What is a rhyme word?

Rhymes. Words that rhyme have the same sound. … You can write rhyming poems by using pairs or groups of words that use the same sounds.

What word rhymes with chicken?

Word Rhyme rating Meter
stricken 100 [/x]
quicken 100 [/x]
thicken 100 [/x]
sicken 100 [/x]

What word rhymes with face?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
space 100 Noun
base 100 Noun
race 100 Noun
grace 100 Noun

What is the most common rhyme?

Masculine rhyme describes those rhymes ending in a stressed syllable, such as “hells” and “bells.” It is the most common type of rhyme in English poetry. -Monorhyme is the use of only one rhyme in a stanza.

Did Eminem really read the dictionary?

 » It is a little-known fact that the only book Eminem read as a child was the dictionary. He pored over it, searching for words that rhymed with each other that could later be pulled out of the bag during the freestyle rap « battles » that provided his education in hip-hop.

What’s a word you can’t rhyme?

There are many words that have no rhyme in the English language. « Orange » is only the most famous. Other words that have no rhyme include: silver, purple, month, ninth, pint, wolf, opus, dangerous, marathon and discombobulate.

Does door hinge rhyme with orange?

Of course, the two-word term door hinge does not form a true rhyme with orange, but half of it can be used to create a half rhyme with the name of the citrus fruit.

What’s the most Rhymable word?

What is the most rhymable word in the English language ? I believe it’s « bee ». has 937 words that rhyme with bee.

What rhymes with together?

Word Rhyme rating
altogether 100
leather 100
feather 100
heather 100

What rhymes on cute?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
boot 100 Noun, Verb
recruit 100 Verb, Noun
flute 100 Noun
brute 100 Noun

What rhymes with leave you?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
grieve 100 Verb
heave 100 Verb, Noun
reeve 100 Noun
cleave 100 Verb



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