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Which country was the pilot flying over?

Which country was the pilot flying over? England.

Why is black aeroplane called Strange?

Answer: The Black aeroplane was called strange because it was present without light on his wings and the aeroplane was totally black.

Who helped the pilot in the Black aeroplane?

Answer: narator himself helped during the storm .

Who was the pilot in the Black aeroplane?

Answer: The narrator, Frederick Forsyth himself was the pilot. He loved his family and was quite brave and courageous. He had hardly flown a few miles when he saw dark, ominous clouds; flying through them was dangerous, yet he wanted to meet his family so much that he took the risk.

Who helped the pilot in the storm?

He was panic about the fuel loss but however he managed the storm and escape with the help of strange pilot. After landing, he realize that there was no plane and pilot helped him, it was his own conscience as a pilot which helped him out of the storm.

What was the black aeroplane?

The story “Black Aeroplane” is about a pilot who feels happy and contended to fly over a city that is sleeping (at the night time). He is flying from Paris to London. … Everything gets dark, he is unable to see, all his direction instruments stopped functioning and he lost control of the plane.

What is the summary of the black aeroplane?

The story “Black Aeroplane” is about a pilot who feels happy and contended to fly over a city that is sleeping (at the night time). He is flying from Paris to London. While taking his flight, he dreams about a long holiday with his family. He also fantasizes about the scrumptious breakfast he would have upon landing.

What do you think was the black aeroplane?

The Black Aeroplane’ is definitely a mystery story. When the pilot is flying towards his home in Dakota, suddenly he is surrounded by a storm. As his plane moved inside the dark clouds, his compass stopped working and he was not able to see anything. … The pilot was not able to locate it and it remained a mystery.

What made the pilot happy?

Pilot was going to his home for enjoying weekend with his family and to have a nice breakfast,this made him feel happy.

How did the black aeroplane helped the pilot?

The plane had crossed Paris when he started seeing clouds in the sky. The presence of clouds made it unsafe to travel by air because there were chances of a storm. They were so huge and dark that the pilot compared them with “black mountains”. … Thus, he headed the plane right into the storm.

Why did pilot decide to fly through the clouds?

Explanation: The pilot decided to fly through the clouds because he was lost as his compass was not working. He was anxious to get out of the storm alive. Hence he saw another aeroplane flying through the stormy clouds.

Where did black planes go?

A pilot of old Dakota aeroplane flies in the midnight over Paris (France) towards England. Dreams of spending holiday with his family. Wants to have breakfast with his family in the morning. Unfortunately he passes through huge black clouds.

Why does the pilot say it was an easy flight?

It was the narrator’s own self that helped him through the storm. There was no other plane in the storm as the woman at the control centre could see only his plane on the radar. … He was a good pilot, and it might have been his own self that came to his help.As he flew into the storm, everything went black.

What did the pilot see when he was lost in the storm?

When the pilot was lost in the storm, he saw another aeroplane. This was a ray of hope for him. He was pleased to see another pilot’s face and willingness to help him escape the storm. He felt that the other pilot was very kind as he was helping and guiding him to get out of the storm.

Does the pilot arrive safe?

Yes, the pilot arrives safe on the runway. He is helped by another pilot of a mysterious plane. He vanishes soon after the narrator landed on the airport. The pilot of the other plane guided him to a safe landing.

Who is the pilot in the Black aeroplane?

Answer: The narrator, Frederick Forsyth himself was the pilot. He loved his family and was quite brave and courageous. He had hardly flown a few miles when he saw dark, ominous clouds; flying through them was dangerous, yet he wanted to meet his family so much that he took the risk.

Who helped the pilot in the Black Aeroplane?

Answer: narator himself helped during the storm .

Is the black Aeroplane real?

The Black Aeroplane is definitely a mystery story. When the pilot is flying towards his home in old Dakota, suddenly he is surrounded by a storm. As his plane moved inside the dark clouds, his compass stopped working and he was not able to see anything. … The pilot was not able to locate it and it remained a mystery.

What did the pilot see inside the black clouds?

Ans. The pilot found that everything was black inside the clouds. It was impossible to see anything outside the aeroplane. The old aeroplane rolled and jumped in the air.

Which two things made the pilot happy?

The rising moon, the stars and cloudless sky indicate that the weather was fine. c) Which two things made the pilot happy? Ans. The coming holiday and the meeting with the family made him happy.

Why was the pilot happy to fly in the night?

The writer was very happy when he decided to fly that night because he was going home to his family to enjoy his holiday. When he started, everything seemed to be perfect. The sky was clear, no clouds could be seen and the stars were shining.

Why does the pilot of old Dakota take risk?

Answer: The risk was to fly through the black storm clouds. The narrator took the risk because his home was beckoning him. He was dreaming of a holiday and looking forward to be with his family.

Did the pilot decide to fly through the clouds?

Q. Why did the pilot decide to fly through the clouds? Ans. The pilot decided to fly through the clouds because he wanted to reach England desperately and also he could not fly up and over the huge clouds in his old Dakota.

What shocked the narrator after landing?

1. What shocked the narrator after landing safely? Ans: The narrator was shocked to land safely after struggling against the black storm. Besides, he wanted to thank the other pilot who showed him the way, but he too was seen nowhere.



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