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Which language do they speak in Algeria?

Which language do they speak in Algeria? Arabic became the official national language of Algeria in 1990, and most Algerians speak one of several dialects of vernacular Arabic. These are generally similar to dialects spoken in adjacent areas of Morocco and Tunisia. Modern Standard Arabic is taught in schools.

What kind of music do they listen to in Algeria?

Raï, a type of Algerian popular music that arose in the 1920s in the port city of Oran and that self-consciously ran counter to accepted artistic and social mores. An amalgam of local Algerian and Western popular-music styles, raï emerged as a major world-music genre in the late 1980s.

How do you say hello in Algeria?

English isn’t widely spoken in Algeria.


Hello Salam/ Salam ‘likum
Good morning Sbah l-khir
Good afternoon Mas l-khir
Goodbye Abqa ‘la khir
Nice to meet you Matsherfin

• Oct 24, 2019

Is English spoken in Algeria?

Algeria is recognized as the second largest Francophone nation in regards to speakers. English is also taught in Algerian schools, and there have been calls to replace French in the education curriculum with English since the latter is the ‘language of science. ‘

Who Imperialized Algeria?

Initial Colonization and Imperialistic pressures

As France entered into the Second Republic the 1848 Constitution declared the lands of Algeria as a part of France. Initially the french were interested in Algeria for a military purpose but this changed over the 130 years of french occupation.

What is the most popular food in Algeria?

Dishes. A common and one of the most favorite dishes of Algerian cuisine is couscous, with other favorites such as shakshouka, karantita, and marqa bel a’assel, a speciality from Tlemcen. A popular Algerian meat is merguez, an originally Berber sausage.

What is Algeria religion?

The constitution declares Islam to be the state religion and prohibits state institutions from behaving in a manner incompatible with Islam. The law grants all individuals the right to practice their religion if they respect public order and regulations.

Who started rai music?

Find out more about the past and present of « Rai », a form of folk music that is thought to have been started by Bedouin shepherds visiting the Algerian port city of Oran.

What is I love you in Algerian?

N7ebek. It means “I love you” quite simply. You’ll find that it’s related to the Arabic “أحبك” but it’s typically Algerian in that the “oo” sound in the beginning of the verb is switched with the prefix “n”.

How do you say shut up in Algeria?

In algerian dialect we often say « اسكت علينا  » (shut up) but it’s not really agressive, it’s closer to « be quiet ».

How do you say beautiful in Algeria?

Arabic Guru

, I think (some) Algerians say « shabab » to say « beautiful » (as my best friend told me). And some others use « zeen/zeena » like us in Morocco. Oh! I see, but المليحة in Arabic FuS7aa means the « beautiful ».

Is Algeria rich or poor?

The World Bank classifies Algeria as an upper-middle income nation. The country is heavily reliant on energy exports in natural gas and oil. However, it faces many economic challenges, including high unemployment for women and youth and inequality among its different regions.

Can you drink alcohol in Algeria?

Algeria produces a little beer and wine and imports even more. … Alcohol is not widely consumed in Algeria and is often frowned upon. There are bars in most cities, but they can be seedy and not welcoming to women. International chain hotels often have more inviting bars.

What religion does Algeria practice?

The constitution declares Islam to be the state religion and prohibits state institutions from behaving in a manner incompatible with Islam. The law grants all individuals the right to practice their religion if they respect public order and regulations. Offending or insulting any religion is a criminal offense.

Why did France lose Algeria?

Ultimately France left Algeria for strategic and political reasons, not economic ones. … [xliii] The French government sunk to the same levels as the FLN in terms of inhumanity and barbarity, losing the public relations battle for itself.

Why did France invade Algeria?

The conquest of Algeria began in the last days of the Bourbon Restoration by Charles X of France. It aimed to put a definite end to Barbary privateering and increase the king’s popularity among the French people, particularly in Paris, where many veterans of the Napoleonic Wars lived.

Is tap water in Algeria drinkable?

Food and Drink

Mains water is normally chlorinated and, whilst relatively safe, may cause mild abdominal upsets. Bottled water is available and is advised for the first few weeks of stay. Drinking water outside main cities and towns is likely to be contaminated and sterilisation is considered essential.

What is the most popular drink in Algeria?

Tea is Algeria’s favorite drink served with fresh mint. Coffee is also a popular beverage in Algeria.

What do Algerian people wear?

The Karakou is a typical traditional dress and incorporates a velvet jacket embroidered in gold and silver worn with the traditional saroual (Arab pants) and comes from Algiers, the capital of Algeria. The Blousa from Tlemcen, West Algeria is a full-length, straight-cut dress made entirely from lace and sequined chest.

Is Algeria a rich or poor country?

The World Bank classifies Algeria as an upper-middle income nation. The country is heavily reliant on energy exports in natural gas and oil. However, it faces many economic challenges, including high unemployment for women and youth and inequality among its different regions.

How do you say hello in Algerian?

English isn’t widely spoken in Algeria.


Hello Salam/ Salam ‘likum
Welcome Mrahba bik

• Oct 24, 2019

What was Rai originally used as?

Shortly afterwards, Raï started to form into pop-raï, with the use of instruments such as electrical synthesizers, guitars, and drum machines. In the 1980s, raï began its period of peak popularity.

Who is known as the Queen of rai music?

Cheikha Rimitti, a pioneer of the rebellious Algerian pop called rai, died May 15 in Paris, where she had lived since 1978. She was 83. Cheikha Rimitti was considered the queen of rai (RYE or rah-AY), which means « opinion » in Arabic.

Where is rai music popular?

Rai music is a popular genre of world music from the Northern African country of Algeria.



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