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Why did Silas leave lantern?

Why did Silas leave lantern? Silas Marner leaves his original home in Lantern Yard because the leaders in his church accuse him of stealing from one of the church’s recently

Who married Eppie?

Aaron Winthrop: son of Dolly, who marries Eppie at the end of the novel and is considered a happy match for her. Dolly Winthrop: mother to Aaron, wife of Ben; godmother to Eppie. Sympathetic to Silas and offers him practical support in raising the child.

Who stole Silas’s money?

Dunstan Cass Timeline and Summary

After killing Godfrey’s horse, whose sale was supposed to make back the rent money, he steals Silas’s money.

Why did Silas Marner depart from his native town?

Silas Marner moves to Raveloe in shame after being falsely accused of stealing from his church. … Silas’s life in Raveloe is isolated, as he chooses to concentrate on his work and the earning of gold. He lives away from the community and away from any kind of lively interaction with other people.

Who is the hero of Silas Marner?

Silas is our title character, and the major plot arc of the book concerns his story. But he’s a strange protagonist. He’s passive to the point of inertia, he’s afflicted by trance-like fits, and he neither begins nor ends the book.

What did Godfrey realize that made him admit Silas?

Godfrey and Nancy return home and realize that Eppie’s decision is final. Godfrey concedes that what Silas has said is right, and he resigns himself simply to helping Eppie from afar. Godfrey and Nancy surmise that Eppie will marry Aaron, and Godfrey wistfully comments on how pretty and nice Eppie seemed.

Why did Silas want Eppie to get married at some point?

Why did Silas want Eppie to get married at some point? He wanted her to marry because he knew that someday life would change, and he would be feeble. Eppie would be forced to take care of him herself, without any help. A husband would provide for her and help her take care of elderly Silas.

Who is the father of Eppie?

A girl whom Silas Marner eventually adopts. Eppie is the biological child of Godfrey Cass and Molly Farren, Godfrey’s secret wife. Eppie is pretty and spirited, and loves Silas unquestioningly.

Why did Dunstan stealing Silas’s gold?

Essentially, Dunstan justifies stealing Silas’s gold because Silas is a single outcast and nobody would know the difference if he stole the dead man’s money.

Who said I wanted to pass for childless once?

10th Grade Literature Test 2–Silas Marner

« I wanted to pass for childless once, …I shall pass for childless now against my wish. » Godfrey Cass
« For I am ugly-there’s no denying that: I feature my father’s family. But, law! I don’t mind, do you? » Priscilla Lammeter

What does Silas Marner suffer from?

From what physical handicap does Silas Marner suffer? He has a cricked spine because he stays bent over the loom and he also has fits. You just studied 25 terms!

Why were the people of the village suspicious of Silas?

In the book, the people are suspicious of weavers because they hold contrasting worldviews and come from markedly different social backgrounds. While the villagers subsist within an agrarian culture, the weavers are emigrants from the surrounding towns and cities.

Why does Godfrey now confess all to Nancy?

Godfrey is greatly shaken by the discovery, and it convinces him that all hidden things eventually come to light. Thus, Godfrey goes on to make his own confession, telling Nancy of his secret marriage to Molly and of Eppie’s true lineage.

Who married EP pie at the end?

Summary: Conclusion

Eppie and Aaron are married on a beautiful summer day.

How did Eppie change Silas life?

In Silas Marner, life changes for Silas because of Eppie due to the deep love he feels for her. Eppie humanizes Silas and brings him out of his shell. Thanks to Eppie, Silas no longer remains trapped in his own little world.

Why does Godfrey ask Dunsey to sell the horse wildfire at the fair?

The dissolute Dunsten Cass blackmails his brother Godfrey, who must allow him to sell his spirited horse, Wildfire. For, Dunsten tells Godfrey to sell his horse in order to repay his father money he has borrowed to give Dunsten.

Who is Bryce in Silas Marner?


Character Description
Bryce Bryce is a member of the local hunt in Raveloe; he buys Godfrey’s horse from Dunstan.
Bob Cass Squire Cass’s third son, Bob, is his favorite.
Squire Cass Called « squire » because he is the only village landlord with tenants, Squire Cass is at the top of Raveloe society.

Why does Godfrey ask Dunsey to sell the horse Wildfire at the fair?

The dissolute Dunsten Cass blackmails his brother Godfrey, who must allow him to sell his spirited horse, Wildfire. For, Dunsten tells Godfrey to sell his horse in order to repay his father money he has borrowed to give Dunsten.

What is the rainbow in Silas Marner?

The Rainbow, in Marner’s view, was a place of luxurious resort for rich and stout husbands, whose wives had superfluous stores of lines; it was the place where he was likely to find the powers and dignities of Raveloe, and where he could most speedily make his loss public.

What does Dunstan do to Silas Marner?

After Dunstan Cass accidentally kills his brother’s horse, Wildfire, he wanders into Silas Marner ‘s home and is surprised to find the cottage empty. Dunstan ends up discovering Silas’s gold and steals the reclusive weaver’s money. When Silas returns to his home, he is shattered when he discovers that his…

Who was Eppie’s godmother?

Dolly Winthrop

The wheelwright’s wife who helps Silas with Eppie. Dolly later becomes Eppie’s godmother and mother-in-law. She is kind, patient, and devout.

Is Silas Marner a good book?

It has way too many words for today’s students. Which doesn’t mean a grown adult with an inclination to try reading more classics shouldn’t open its pages. One of the books I periodically re-read for the sheer pleasure of it, Silas Marner is a great introduction to nineteenth century literature.

Is Silas Marner a fairytale?

Silas Marner as a Fairy Tale In this novel, by George Eliot, ‘Silas Marner’, there are many fairy tales like aspects. Silas Marner is indeed a fairy tale, but it isn’t purely a fairy tale. It also has realistic aspects. Fairy tales always have happy endings and they always represent the power of good over evil.

What happens to Silas Marner?

Silas Marner is the weaver in the English countryside village of Raveloe in the early nineteenth century. … Silas has ended up in Raveloe because the members of his religious sect in Lantern Yard, an insular neighborhood in a larger town, falsely accused him of theft and excommunicated him.

What is the main theme of Silas Marner?

The major theme of Silas Marner is of course the influence of « pure, natural human relationships, » but there are several others. Some of these are never the subject of a direct statement, but constant repetition brings them to the reader’s attention, and the novel draws some sort of conclusion about them.



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