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Can Goku beat Saitama?

Can Goku beat Saitama? It hasn’t even been confirmed if he could destroy a universe so even current base form goku can defeat saitama. So I’d say saitama is only planetary. … While Goku is one of the most powerful fighters in the entire Dragon Ball franchise, he is by no means unbeatable and has endured crushing defeats on multiple occasions.

Can Zeno beat Saitama?

There isn’t a single thing that he can’t destroy and he’s used as the ultimate answer against Fused Zamasu. The Tournament of Power shows that Zeno can erase an entire universe, so whichever approach he takes against Saitama is still going to end in his end.

Can Goku beat Ichigo?

Boomstick: while Ichigo had more abilities and defenses, Goku beat him in most of the other categories .

Can Superman beat Saitama?

So the winner should be Superman not saitama. … As the star of One-Punch Man, Saitama is so powerful that he defeats all his opponents in a single punch. This causes him to grow bored with heroism because there’s no one that can challenge him.

Can Goku beat all might?

Goku would be the clear winner in a fight against All Might. … Goku is faster and stronger. With his Super Saiyan abilities, he can quickly make himself even faster and stronger than he would be ordinarily. While All Might is a powerful threat to a quirk carrying villain, he would not stand a chance against Goku.

Is Saitama a God?

Saitama is neither a God nor a Monster. He is simply a human who has broken through his limiters and gained superhuman power.

Can Saitama beat Superman?

So the winner should be Superman not saitama. For years, Superman was the end-all-be-all when talking about the most powerful characters in comics – or any medium really. … As the star of One-Punch Man, Saitama is so powerful that he defeats all his opponents in a single punch.

Can Saitama beat Hulk?

In a battle against Hulk, every little bit counts. Saitama having this ability provides him a slight edge, as he effectively has a source of projectile attacks that he can use at a distance.

Can Goku beat Naruto?

Goku can easily defend and attack Naruto without having to overthink or strategize. Not to mention how his blue energy attacks have enough power in them to easily obliterate Naruto. However, one of the biggest drawbacks of this technique is being stable enough to use it consistently.

Is Naruto stronger than Goku?

His versatility and skill potentially make Naruto a better strategist than Goku, but his tactics are beaten out by raw power; after all, Goku is a Saiyan. … Conversely, Naruto characters have never displayed this level of power. Theoretically, Goku could destroy entire solar systems and galaxies if he wanted to.

Can Ichigo beat Naruto?

Naruto Uzumaki is stronger than Ichigo Kurosaki, mainly due to the fact that he is a better fighter and has a more diverse set of skills and attacks at his disposition than Ichigo does.

Can Superman beat Omni man?

Based on raw strength, Superman probably has Omni-Man beat. Omni-Man punched holes through pretty much every foe he came into contact with. … But Omni-Man has no such qualms. He would try to kill Superman outright, but he would probably just break his fists against the invulnerable Superman.

Can Superman beat Thor?

HOW SUPERMAN BEAT THOR. Despite all evidence to the contrary, Superman soundly defeated Thor when the two heroes actually fought. … But when Thor tried to knock Superman out with his hammer, Superman knocked Thor out with one final punch.

Can Superman beat Hulk?

It’s no fault of the Hulk’s, but Superman is called Superman for a reason. Unless he had kryptonite or a magic-user by his side, Hulk would usually fall to the DC Hero – although, he’d put up a hell of a fight. Superman wins. Superman.

Can Eri beat Goku?

Perhaps the biggest upset imaginable is a matchup between Eri, with her Rewind Quirk, and Goku. Rewind allows Eri to reverse someone’s body to a previous state. … So yes, Goku can be beaten by a little girl, albeit an incredibly powerful little girl.

Can Giorno beat Goku?

Literally the only character who could defeat defeat Giorno was Dio Over Heaven, and he can bend reality however he pleases. Goku’s will may turn to 0, turning any form he is in, back to his black haired form, not being able to fight or move, letting Giorno hit him.

Who killed Genos family?

Once a normal 15 year old boy, Geno’s home was attacked by a rampaging cyborg, who destroyed his home and killed his family.

Will Saitama become S Class?

Saitama and Genos attend the Hero Association exam and pass. Genos becomes an S-Class hero, while Saitama becomes a C-Class hero. … Genos and Saitama spar and Saitama is overwhelmingly victorious.

Can Superman beat Godzilla?

Superman would easily win a fight against Godzilla. … He can knock Godzilla down to the ground using only his sheer strength and no other abilities. It is no secret that Superman is the most powerful force on the face of the earth. The Japanese kaiju Godzilla is in no way lesser than the Kryptonian Superhero.

Could the Hulk beat Godzilla?

1 Godzilla Couldn’t Beat: The Hulk

Hulk wins against his much bigger opponent because of his potential strength levels. … It would only be a matter of time before he scored a big knockout punch against Godzilla. Of course, their battle would result in untold collateral damage, but that goes without saying.

Can Saitama lift Mjolnir?

Yes. Regardless of worth, he can probably push earth down if not breaking the magic that keeps him from lifting it.

Can Goku beat Hulk?


Bruce Banner was a pretty strong hero when turned angry, but the Hulk is so much more than a monster who can punch really hard. … On a regular basis, he might not be able to beat Goku, but when his rage turns him into Worldbreaker Hulk, things might turn his way.

Who is Naruto’s brother?

Itachi Uchiha (Japanese: うちは イタチ, Hepburn: Uchiha Itachi) is a fictional character in the Naruto manga and anime series created by Masashi Kishimoto.

Can Naruto beat Superman?

Imbued with the power of a demon, Naruto would certainly have the drive, experience, and power necessary to bring down the Man of Steel. Naruto has such a wealth of abilities and skills that one could easily bet that he could use any number of them to damage and bring down Superman.

Who is stronger than Goku?

10 Broly Can Keep Up With Goku

In his base form, Broly is strong enough to keep up with a Super Saiyan. Yet, as a Legendary Super Saiyan, his power far exceeds that of both Goku and Vegeta. Even if he doesn’t have the same 40-plus years worth of experience, Broly is a fighting prodigy.



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