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How do you call a concurrent program from PL SQL?

How do you call a concurrent program from PL SQL? Steps for Developing the Procedure:

  1. Develop the procedure as per client requirement.
  2. Create an executable with execution method as PL/SQL stored procedure.
  3. Define the Concurrent Program at as. …
  4. Attach the Concurrent Program to the request group.
  5. Attach the request group to the responsibility.

How do you call a concurrent program in PL SQL?

Calling a PL/SQL Concurrent Program in Real-Time

  1. Call fnd_global.initialize ensuring you pass it two parameters in bold below. …
  2. Run the SQL on fnd_temp_files, as below, using the fictional request_id generated from sequence [ in variable n_conc_request_id ]

How do you call a concurrent program from backend?

You can Run Concurrent program from backend by using FND_REQUEST. SUBMIT_REQUEST API. And By using FND_REQUEST. ADD_NOTIFICATION API You can send notification mail to particular User.

What is bulk collect in Oracle?

A bulk collect is a method of fetching data where the PL/SQL engine tells the SQL engine to collect many rows at once and place them in a collection. The SQL engine retrieves all the rows and loads them into the collection and switches back to the PL/SQL engine. All the rows are retrieved with only 2 context switches.

How do you wait for a concurrent request to complete?

wait_for_request (request_id => lv_request_id ,INTERVAL => 5 –interval Number of seconds to wait between checks ,max_wait => 60 –Maximum number of seconds to wait for the request completion — out arguments ,phase => lc_phase ,STATUS => lc_status ,dev_phase => lc_dev_phase ,dev_status => lc_dev_status ,message => …

How do I schedule a concurrent program in Oracle Apps backend?

Schedule the concurrent program

  1. Log in to Oracle with the XXEBS Extending e-Business Suite responsibility.
  2. Navigate to Submit Requests and submit a single request.
  3. Select the XXHR First Concurrent Program concurrent program and leave the Run Date and Organization parameters set to their default values and click on OK:

What is P2P cycle in Oracle Apps?

Procure to Pay process which is also known as P2P cycle is followed by any organization in any ERP system if they would like purchase any products for example raw materials, office supplies, infrastructure etc. When there is a purchase there should be a payment.

Is bulk collect faster than cursor?

Look at this, for bulking all the lines into the collection took just 8 seconds (for 49 424 rows) and the inserts just 1 second! … But the run with the cursor took 33 seconds! So this was just a short test but it definitely shows that BULK COLLECT and FORALL are much faster than cursors within the FOR loop!

What is difference between for and forall in Oracle?


It is similar to that of FOR loop statement except in FOR loop things happen at the record-level whereas in FORALL there is no LOOP concept. Instead the entire data present in the given range is processed at the same time.

Which cursor is faster in Oracle?

Tim Hall, Oracle ACE of the year, 2006: For a long time there have been debates over the relative merits of implicit and explicit cursors. The short answer is that implicit cursors are faster and result in much neater code so there are very few cases where you need to resort to explicit cursors.

How do you check the status of a concurrent program?

Verify the status of the concurrent request using query: select request_id ,phase_code, status_code from fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id =’333333′; 5. Check which CM is running this request.

What is the use of Fnd_concurrent Wait_for_request?

FND_CONCURRENT. WAIT_FOR_REQUEST (Client or Server) Waits for request completion, then returns the request phase/status and completion message to the caller. Goes to sleep between checks for request completion.

What is Fnd_concurrent_requests?

1) FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS stores information about individual concurrent requests. If the concurrent program needs more than 25 arguments to run, the first 25 arguments are stored in this table, ARGUMENT26 throughARGUMENT100 are stored in table FND_CONC_REQUEST_ARGUMENTS. …

How do you schedule a concurrent program?

The scheduling option is available when you submit a concurrent program. Navigate to respective responsibilities and open the SRS form. In this case, navigate to System Administrator->View->Requests->Submit a New Request->Single Request and select Gather Schema Statistics program.

How do I find concurrent program history?

— Query To Check Concurrent Program Run History set pages 100 linesize 200 col Parameters for a20 col « Conc Program Name » for a30 col « Started at » for a20 col « Completed at » for a20 col « Username » for a10 SELECT distinct ft. user_concurrent_program_name « Conc Program Name », fr. REQUEST_ID « Request ID », to_char(fr.

How do you find the schedule of a concurrent program?

Scheduling concurrent program in Oracle Apps

  1. Go to the respective responsibility where the concurrent program to be scheduled exists. …
  2. Select “Single Request” and click on OK button.
  3. Enter the concurrent program name to be scheduled and the respective parameters and click on Schedule button.

What is P2P process?

What is Procure-to-Pay? … Also known as purchase-to-pay and P2P, procure-to-pay is the process of requisitioning, purchasing, receiving, paying for, and accounting for goods and services, covering the entire process from point of order right through to payment.

What is GRN?

Goods received note (GRN) is a two-way document that acknowledges delivery of goods by a supplier and their receipt by the customer. … Goods received notes confirm that an order has been delivered and received and it’s satisfactory to all the parties involved.

What is 2 way and 3 way match?

Two-way match is used to compare the invoice received from vendor with the Purchase Order. Three-way match is used to match the details of PO, Goods Receipt and the Invoice document received from vendor. In Three way match the Quantity & Price is matched between PO, GR & IR. (

Is it good to use limit keyword with bulk collect?

As the number of rows in the table grows, more memory will be consumed. So the general recommendation for production code, working with tables that may grow greatly in size, is to avoid SELECT BULK COLLECT INTO (an implicit query) and instead use the FETCH BULK COLLECT with a LIMIT clause.

What is the max limit for bulk collect in Oracle?

Use the LIMIT clause, bulk collect say 100 to 1000 rows — process them, bulk insert them, get the next 100/1000 rows. You blew process memory — not SGA.

How do you handle exceptions in bulk insert?

Bulk DML: Building Blocks

Key components of bulk DML with exception handling: A collection variable to hold the data. The FORALL construct which iterates through values in the collection variable. The SAVE EXCEPTIONS clause which tracks the exceptions being raised during bulk DML.

Why procedure is used in Oracle?

Managing Stored Procedures and Functions. … The SQL CREATE PROCEDURE statement is used to create stored procedures that are stored in the database. The SQL CREATE FUNCTION statement is used to create stored functions that are stored in an Oracle database. A procedure or function is similar to a miniature program.

What can be present in the body of forall?

  • NOT NULL Constraint.
  • Declaring Variables.
  • Declaring Constants.
  • Initial Values of Variables and Constants.
  • Declaring Items using the %TYPE Attribute.

What is Pragma Autonomous_transaction?

The AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION pragma changes the way a subprogram works within a transaction. A subprogram marked with this pragma can do SQL operations and commit or roll back those operations, without committing or rolling back the data in the main transaction.



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