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What food is Lille famous for?

What food is Lille famous for? The most popular are Meert vanilla wafers. Sweet little babeluttes candies made from a special sugar beet are also amazing. One of the most famous restaurants in Lille is Les Charlottes en Ville. It is housed in a beautiful two-story building and is striking with its sophisticated atmosphere.

Is Lille France expensive?

Summary about cost of living in Lille, France: … A single person estimated monthly costs are 895$ (754€) without rent. Lille is 11.24% less expensive than Los Angeles (without rent). Rent in Lille is, on average, 61.90% lower than in Los Angeles.

What is Lille famous for?

Lille is a major city of northern France famed for being an important cultural and commercial hub, and for its historical centre. Established in the Middle Ages, Lille sits a few kilometres east of the border with Belgium.

Is it safe to visit Lille in France?

Overall, Lille is mostly a safe city. Follow the general rules of precaution and your common sense, and you will probably encounter no problems. There is less crime due to the presence of police and military everywhere and you should just be vigilant for suspicious terrorist activities.

Does Lille have snow?

Lille receives a moderate amount of rain and snow each year. … Snow is less common. Snowfall typically takes place roughly nineteen days per year. Average snowfall totals are typically an inch or so per day.

Is Lille expensive for students?

According to the national student’s union in France, students in Lille have an average cost of living of just over €800, with an average rent of €467 per month.

Where should I live in Lille France?

Lille’s Most Trendy Neighbourhoods

  • Vieux Lille East. In the very heart of Vieux Lille, where the former port used to be, trendy shops, cafés, and restaurants line Rue de Gand, L’avenue du Peuple-Belge, and Hospice Comtesse. …
  • La Grand Place. …
  • Wazemmes. …
  • Gare Saint Sauveur. …
  • Quartier Sébastopol. …
  • Place de la République. …
  • La Citadelle.

Is Lille cheap or expensive?

How Expensive Is Lille – Summary. A tourist will most likely spend about €64 on a Lille day trip. The city is affordable compared to the likes of Paris and Lyon, yet, it is beautiful.

Why is Lille so popular?

Lille is a major city of northern France famed for being an important cultural and commercial hub, and for its historical center. Established in the Middle Ages, Lille sits a few kilometers east of the border with Belgium.

Do they speak English in Lille?

Lille – English not widely reported to be spoken here, French is dominant among the locals, especially among older people. Will really help to have some basic French when visiting. … Expats can live there without learning any French though.

What language is spoken in Lille France?

In Lille and its surrounding neighborhoods, people speak French obviously, but they also have a dialect that is called “Le Ch’ti” which means “It’s me”.

Is Lille safe city?

Crime rates in Lille, France

Level of crime 53.06 Moderate
Problem people using or dealing drugs 67.21 High
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft 65.41 High
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery 42.02 Moderate
Problem corruption and bribery 25.42 Low

What is the living cost in Paris?

Summary about cost of living in Paris, France: Family of four estimated monthly costs are 4,022$ (3,389€) without rent. A single person estimated monthly costs are 1,121$ (944€) without rent. Paris is 8.31% more expensive than Los Angeles (without rent).

What is the cost of living in France?

Cost of Living in France: Sample Monthly Budget

Expenses U.S. $
Rent $800 to $1,200
Electricity $48
Groceries (incl. wine) $600
Landline rental fee (excluding call costs) $21

Is Lille a student city?

Lille, the head city of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region in France, is a place to be if you are a student and you like travelling during the week-end. Lille is the third biggest student city in France with almost 100,000 student in 2013. … The main language is French, but you can also find people who speaks Flamisch.

Is Lille a good city to live in?

Lille, France, is among the top cities with a free business environment . According to our city rankings, this is a good place to live with high ratings in housing, safety and healthcare.


Best university in ranking Lille 1 University – Science and Technology
PISA math ranking (high school) 20
PISA ranking 19

Is Lille in Flanders?

Nicknamed in France the « Capital of Flanders« , Lille and its surroundings belong to the historical region of Romance Flanders, a former territory of the county of Flanders that is not part of the linguistic area of West Flanders.

Is it nice to live in Lille?

Lille, France, is among the top cities with a free business environment. According to our city rankings, this is a good place to live with high ratings in housing, safety and healthcare.

Is it rude to speak English in France?

There is a common saying online, that French people find it rude if you speak English when you are in France. … The truth is, there are many reasons that French people don’t like speaking English with foreigners. It’s easy to say this is because they think English is rude, but there are many other reasons for it.

Can I move to Paris if I don’t speak French?

In Paris you may speak your native tongue at home, at work and with your friends, but if you don’t speak French, you definitely need to speak English. … This is because English is the standard language of tourism in Europe.

Can you live in France without knowing French?

In Paris you may speak your native tongue at home, at work and with your friends, but if you don’t speak French, you definitely need to speak English. … So when Germans, Swedes, Ukrainians, and other foreign nationals visit France, they generally speak English with the locals as well.

What does Lille mean in French?

From French Lille (see there for more), from Old French l’Isle (“the Island”), ultimately from Latin īnsula (“island”). Compare also isle and Lyle.

Is Lille in Belgium or France?


Lille Lile (Picard)
Country France
Region Hauts-de-France
Department Nord
Arrondissement Lille

Is Lille a good city?

Lille, France, is among the top cities with a free business environment . According to our city rankings, this is a good place to live with high ratings in housing, safety and healthcare.


Best university in ranking Lille 1 University – Science and Technology
PISA math ranking (high school) 20
PISA ranking 19

What is the capital of Lille?

Lille, city, capital of Nord département and of the Hauts-de-France région, northern France, situated on the Deûle River, 136 miles (219 km) north-northeast of Paris, and 9 miles (14 km) from the Belgian frontier by road.

What’s it like to live in Lille France?

Fourth largest city in France, the grey and rainy Lille doesn’t sound as exotic as Bordeaux or Lyon and is probably the most underrated destination in France. With a nationally renowned warm atmosphere, a vibrant arts and culture industry and a reasonable cost of living index, it’s definitely one to consider.



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