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What is Batman’s IQ?

What is Batman’s IQ? A trivia published in BuzzFeed states, “Batman’s stated IQ is an unbelievable 192, several notches above the famed theoretical physicist (Albert Einstein), who was estimated to have an IQ between 160 and 180.

Is Batman Dead?

Batman was then presumed dead, but right at the end of the film, it was revealed that Bruce was alive and well, living in Europe with Selina. … This makes it possible for Batman to set the aircraft in autopilot (later revealed to have been fixed before this happened) and eject safely before the explosion.

What is the IQ of Tony Stark?

Super-Genius Intelligence: Tony is a phenomenal scientific genius and inventor with an IQ of 186.

Who has the highest IQ in Marvel?

With an IQ level of 250, Reed Richard & Hank Pym, one of the eight smartest marvel characters acknowledged Peter as one of the most intelligent men on Earth. If you don’t believe, Reed Richard’s IQ level was nearly the same when he at the same age Peter Parker.

What is Sherlock’s IQ?

Radford estimates Holmes’ IQ at 190, which places him much, much higher than our crazy-haired scientist. Since then, there have been many more studies on this fictional character leading people to lower his intelligence rating, but he still remains one of the smartest characters ever written.

Does Batman fake his death?

Batman was notorious for faking his death in other media, such as The Dark Knight Rises, where he faked being killed in a nuclear explosion while Bruce Wayne was apparently killed during the riots in Gotham. In the classic comic/animated movie adaptation, The Dark Knight Returns, he faked a fatal heart attack.

Who killed Batman?

In Batman’s origin story, Joe Chill is the mugger who murders young Bruce Wayne’s parents, Dr. Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne. The murder traumatizes Bruce, inspiring his vow to avenge their deaths by fighting crime as the vigilante Batman.

Who replaced Batman when he died?

5 Damian Wayne

This issue took place 15 years from now, and at that time, Damian Wayne had taken on the mantle of Batman following the death of Bruce Wayne.

Who has the highest IQ ever?

Writer Marilyn vos Savant (born 1946) has an IQ of 228, one of the highest ever recorded. Someone with a “normal” intelligence will score somewhere around 100 on an IQ test.

Who is the weakest avenger?

  • 3 Weakest: Winter Soldier.
  • 4 Strongest: Vision. …
  • 5 Weakest: Falcon. …
  • 6 Strongest: Scarlet Witch. …
  • 7 Weakest: Black Widow. …
  • 8 Strongest: Doctor Strange. …
  • 9 Weakest: Hawkeye. …
  • 10 Strongest: Captain Marvel. …

Is Peter Parker smarter than Tony Stark?

Originally Answered: Is Peter Parker (Spider-Man) as smart as Tony Stark (Iron Man)? In terms of raw intellect he’s probably smarter. He’s smarter than Tony Stark. But Tony Stark has goals, lots of them, maybe a few too many, while Peter Parker has none because he doesn’t want to win.

Who is smarter Ironman or Batman?

Honestly, it’s debatable that Iron Man is smarter than Batman. … However, his engineering acumen does make him smarter than Batman in at least one place, so it does count. Batman’s intelligence is more well rounded, but Iron Man has him beat in some particular areas.

Who has highest IQ in the world?

Countries by IQ – Average IQ by Country

Rank Country IQ
1 Singapore 108
2 Hong Kong 108
3 South Korea 106
4 Japan 105

What is the highest IQ?

Credit: YouTube. The most reliable record-high IQ score belongs to Terence Tao, with a confirmed IQ of 230. Tao is an Australian-American mathematician born in 1975, who showed a formidable aptitude for mathematics from a very young age. He entered high school at the age of 7, where he began taking calculus classes.

Who is the smartest person in the world?

To those who knew of his son, William James Sidis was quite possibly the smartest man who ever lived. Born in Boston in 1898, William James Sidis made the headlines in the early 20th century as a child prodigy with an amazing intellect. His IQ was estimated to be 50 to 100 points higher than Albert Einstein’s.

Why did Batman fake his own death?

With all the pieces in place then, Bruce sets up an elaborate plan to fake his death, using it to plot his escape from Gotham so as to start a new life as a new person. He is confident of being done with his role as Batman and passes the torch to the strong, rightful cop John Robin Blake.

Is Batman Dead In The Dark Knight Rises?

In the aftermath, Batman is presumed dead and honored as a hero. Wayne Manor becomes an orphanage and Wayne’s estate is left to Alfred. Gordon finds the Bat Signal repaired, while Lucius Fox discovers that Wayne fixed the malfunctioning auto-pilot on the Bat.

What is Joker’s real name?

The Joker, suddenly medicated and sane, was able to convince the GCPD that he was wrongfully imprisoned as he was beaten by a vigilante. He also reveals his real name: Jack Napier. Napier spends all of his efforts revealing how Batman’s false heroics actually only lead to creator corruption in Gotham City.

Who kills Darkseid?

During the massive fight, Orion ultimately kills him by ripping his heart out, which created a firepit of Apokolips from Darkseid’s chest cavity (in reference to the prophecy of their final battle).

Is the Joker Batman’s brother?

That’s right: Batman and Joker are half-brothers, at least according to Penny. The movie never explicitly makes clear whether that’s true or not. Arthur, donning a red clown nose, pays a visit to Wayne Manor and performs an impromptu magic show for an enthralled young Bruce Wayne (played by Dante Pereira-Olson).

Who knows Terry is Batman?

List of people who know Batman’s secret identity

Person/Entity First Learned/Established in
Terry McGinnis Batman Beyond, « Rebirth, Part I »
Tim Drake/Robin The New Batman Adventures, « Sins of the Father ».
Virgil Hawkins/Static Static Shock, « Hard as Nails »
Wally West/The Flash Justice League, « Starcrossed, Part II »

Is Bruce Wayne no longer Batman?

DC Comics just revealed that Batman is officially leaving Gotham City and will be passing down the Batman mantle to one of his many protégés! Warning: includes a preview for Batman: Fear State: Omega #1! Bruce Wayne is officially handing down the Batman mantle as DC’s Fear State ends!

Does Bruce know Terry is his son?

The Justice League Unlimited episode « Epilogue » reveals that Terry is secretly Bruce’s biological youngest son (since Damian, who was conceived via Bruce’s tryst with Talia) due to Amanda Waller’s « Batman Beyond » project to ensure Batman’s continued legacy.

Who has an IQ of 300?

According to some, that would be William James Sidis (1898-1944), with an IQ estimated between 250 and 300. A true child prodigy, Sidis could read English by the time he was two and could write in French by age four.

What is the average IQ for a 13 year old?

What is the average mind of a 13 year old girl? The average score for all IQ tests is 90,109, regardless of age. In fact, candidates’ test scores are compared to their age and gender. If you are taken from a standard test, your score is an average of 5 out of 127 and this is incorrect because it was taken online.

Who is the person with the lowest IQ?

The country with the lowest IQ score, on average, is the Equatorial Guinea in Africa. Those who reside in Equatorial Guinea have an average IQ of 59, which is 49 points lower than the average IQ of Singapore and Hong Kong.



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