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What is HR and IR?

What is HR and IR? The goal of human resources (HR) and industrial relations (IR) is to effectively and successfully manage an organization’s most critical resource: its people.

Who are the major participants in industrial relations?

The main participants in industrial relations are: (i) Employers. (ii) Employees/workers. (iii) Government. Employers have their associations to deal with labour problems and their unions in a collective way.

What are IR matters?

Industrial Relations Information

The term ‘industrial relations’ generally refers to employment issues and the employment relationship between an organisation and its staff.

What is IR strategy?

An IR Strategy is an expression of an enterprise’s capacity to develop and implement a sound industrial relations management plan which ensures that industrial relations issues and risks are identified, assessed and managed.

What are the IR issues?

Current Issues in IR/HR

  • CIRHR Tumblr.
  • Foundations of IR/HR.
  • HR Management/Planning & Strategy.
  • International Developments in Labour and HR Policy.
  • Labour Arbitration & Workplace Law.
  • Negotiations and Collective Bargaining.
  • Organizational Behaviour.
  • Public Sector Relations.

Who are the three actors of industrial relations?

Besides the three principal traditional actors: workers and their unions, managers/employers, and the government, there is emergence of new fourth actor i.e. consumers and community in the emerging dimensions of industrial relations.

How do you maintain good industrial relations?

5 tactics to improve employee relations

  1. Set the tone from their first day. First impressions matter. …
  2. Provide positive feedback. More often than not, the focus of evaluations are on how an employee can improve and what they need to do better. …
  3. Improve communication. …
  4. Offer career development. …
  5. Help them be happy.

What are the main aspects of industrial relations?

The main aspects of industrial relations can be identified as follows:

  • Promotion and development of healthy labour — management relations.
  • Maintenance of industrial peace and avoidance of industrial strife. ADVERTISEMENTS:
  • Development and growth of industrial democracy.

What is the purpose of the Industrial Relations Act?

The purpose of the Act as stated in its preamble was « to provide for the compulsory recognition by employers of trade unions and organisations representative of a majority or workers, for the establishment of an expeditious system for the settlement of trade disputes, for the regulation of prices of commodities, for

What is the role of IR Manager?

Investor Relations (IR) refers to the responsibility of managing communication between a company’s corporate management and its investors. An Investor Relations Manager helps support releasing information, handling inquiries and meetings, providing feedback to management, and crisis management.

What’s the difference between HR and ER?

Human Resources. Employee relations is one part of HR’s function in an organization. ER tasks might be completed by the HR team or have dedicated staff. … Human resources is responsible for these tasks as well as recruiting new employees, handling workplace safety, managing payroll and enforcing company policies.

How much do investor relations get paid?

Investor Relations Analyst Salary

Annual Salary Monthly Pay
Top Earners $125,500 $10,458
75th Percentile $87,000 $7,250
Average $81,327 $6,777
25th Percentile $68,000 $5,666

What are the IR strategy for a good industrial relation?

An effective industrial relations strategy must include a company-wide commitment to doing everything possible to keep work centers safe. Safety strategies may include regular inspections and briefings, hazard reporting systems and an open-door policy for safety concerns.

How do you maintain good industrial relations?

How to improve Industrial Relations Situation:

  1. Workers’ Participation in Management: …
  2. Mutual Accommodation. …
  3. Sincere Implementation of Agreements. …
  4. Sound Personnel Policies: …
  5. Implementation of the policies should be uniform throughout the organization to ensure fair treatment to each worker.

What is HR IR issues?

Conflict can happen in any environment, and the workplace is certainly no different. Disputes between employees or a direct disagreement between an employee and business owner are situations that can occur frequently.

What are the three actors in industrial relations?

Top 3 Major Components of Industrial Relation

  • Employees: Among the participants to IR, employees are considered as the most affected one by the IR system prevalent in an organisation. …
  • Employer: Employer is the second party to IR. …
  • Government: ADVERTISEMENTS:

What are some employee relations issues?


  • Conflict Management.
  • Hours & Wage Issues.
  • Adequate Safety at Work.
  • Annual Leave Disputes.
  • Attendance Woes.
  • Offer Career Development.

What is the difference between industrial relations and Labour relations?

Labour or Industrial Relations. The term labour relations, also known as industrial relations, refers to the system in which employers, workers and their representatives and, directly or indirectly, the government interact to set the ground rules for the governance of work relationships.

What are the levels of industrial relations?

(i) Labour relations i.e., relations between union- management (also known as labour management relations); (ii) Group relations i.e., relations between various groups of workmen i.e., workmen, supervisors, technical persons, etc. (iii) Employer-employee relations i.e., relations between the management and employees.

What are the causes of poor industrial relations?

Top 4 Causes of Poor Industrial Relation – Explained!

  • Nature of Work: It is the work only that gives birth to relationship between the employee and employer. …
  • Dissatisfactory Compensation and Work Conditions: …
  • Dysfunctional Trade Union: …
  • Non-conducive Organisational Climate:

What are the 4 pillars of employee relations?

The 4 Pillars Of Employee Relations

  • Open Communication. If you notice a lot of the items I mentioned in the list of things that managers get wrong, have to do with communication. …
  • Show Gratitude. …
  • Consistent Feedback. …
  • Invest In Your Employees.

What causes poor industrial relations?

Faulty communication system, dilution of supervision and command, non-recognition of trade unions, unfair practices, violation of collective agreements and standing orders and labour laws are the organisational causes of poor relations in industry.

What are the different types of industrial disputes?

Types of Industrial Disputes: Strikes, Lockouts, Picketing, Gherao, Lay Off, Retrenchment and Boycott

  • Type # 1. Strikes:
  • Type # 2. Lockouts:
  • Type # 3. Picketing:
  • Type # 4. Gherao:
  • Strikes:
  • Lockout:
  • Lay Off:
  • Retrenchment:

What are the types of industrial relation?

Industrial relations include four types of relations: (i) Labour relations i.e., relations between union- management (also known as labour management relations); (ii) Group relations i.e., relations between various groups of workmen i.e., workmen, supervisors, technical persons, etc.

What is the importance of good industrial relations?

It improves morale of the work force: Good industrial relations, built-in mutual cooperation and common agreed approach motivate one to contribute one’s best, result in higher productivity and hence income, give more job satisfaction and help improve the morale of the workers.

What are the purpose of industrial relation?

In other words, the objectives of industrial relations are to facilitate production; to safeguard the rights and interests of both labour and management by enlisting the cooperation of both; to achieve a sound, harmonious and mutual beneficial relationship between employers and employees.



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