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Which is the holiest book in the world?

Which is the holiest book in the world? Abrahamic religions

  • Kitáb-i-Aqdas – The Most Holy Book.
  • Kitáb-i-Íqán – The Book of Certitude.
  • The Hidden Words.
  • Days of Remembrance.
  • Epistle to the Son of the Wolf.
  • The Four Valleys.
  • Gems of Divine Mysteries.
  • Gleanings.

Which is older Bible or Quran?

The first/oldest copy of the Bible and affirms the Bible was revealed in the Bible and the. Quran is about 1400 years old is mentioned as a whole often the!

What is the #1 selling book of all time?

Top 100 best selling books of all time

Rank Title Author
1 Da Vinci Code,The Brown , Dan
2 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Rowling, J.K.
3 Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone Rowling, J.K.

Which book is most read in the world?

The most read book in the world is the Bible. Writer James Chapman created a list of the most read books in the world based on the number of copies each book sold over the last 50 years. He found that the Bible far outsold any other book, with a whopping 3.9 billion copies sold over the last 50 years.

Which religion came first on earth?

Hinduism is the world’s oldest religion, according to many scholars, with roots and customs dating back more than 4,000 years. Today, with about 900 million followers, Hinduism is the third-largest religion behind Christianity and Islam.

What is the difference between God and Allah?

1. The word God has a different meaning with Allah ‘“ God means to invoke or call upon while Allah means deity or god. 2. … God has three representations; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit while Allah is the lone god every Muslim must worship.

What is the first religion on earth?

Hinduism is the world’s oldest religion, according to many scholars, with roots and customs dating back more than 4,000 years.

Do Muslims believe in God?

According to the Islamic statement of witness, or shahada, “There is no god but Allah”. Muslims believe he created the world in six days and sent prophets such as Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus, and lastly Muhammad, who called people to worship only him, rejecting idolatry and polytheism.

What are the top 3 most read books in the world?

What Are the Most Read Books in the World of All Time?

  • The Holy Bible.
  • The Holy Quran.
  • The Harry Potter Series: J.K. Rowling.
  • The Quotations From Chairman Mao Tse Tung.
  • The Lord of the Rings.
  • The Alchemist.
  • The Diary of Anne Frank: Anne Frank.
  • The Twilight SagA: Stephenie Meyer.

What is the most sold book in the world 2020?

These are the bestselling books of 2020.

  • Barack Obama, A Promised Land (2,574,531 copies sold)
  • Stephenie Meyer, Midnight Sun (1,311,147 copies sold)
  • Dav Pilkey, Dog Man (1,240,277 copies sold)
  • Mary L. …
  • Suzanne Collins, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (1,235,099 copies sold)

What is the most read non religious book in the world?

Le Petit Prince

But whether it’s near the top of the list or near the bottom, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s classic novella deserves its place because it’s thought to be the most translated non-religious work in the world. Guinness World Records reports it has been translated into 382 languages.

Which religion is most powerful in the world?

Largest religious groups

Religion Followers (billions) Founded
Christianity 2.4 Middle East
Islam 1.9 Arabia (Middle East), 7th century
Hinduism 1.2 Indian subcontinent
Buddhism 0.5 Indian subcontinent

Who is the first god in the world?

Brahma is the Hindu creator god. He is also known as the Grandfather and as a later equivalent of Prajapati, the primeval first god. In early Hindu sources such as the Mahabharata, Brahma is supreme in the triad of great Hindu gods which includes Shiva and Vishnu.

Who was the first person to born on earth?

Biblical Adam (man, mankind) is created from adamah (earth), and Genesis 1–8 makes considerable play of the bond between them, for Adam is estranged from the earth through his disobedience.

Who is the God of Christians?

Christianity Beliefs

Christians are monotheistic, i.e., they believe there’s only one God, and he created the heavens and the earth. This divine Godhead consists of three parts: the father (God himself), the son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit.

Is Quran and Bible the same?

The Quran, the central religious text of Islam, contains references to more than fifty people and events also found in the Bible. While the stories told in each book are generally comparable, there are also some notable differences.

What is the oldest God?

In ancient Egyptian Atenism, possibly the earliest recorded monotheistic religion, this deity was called Aten and proclaimed to be the one « true » Supreme Being and creator of the universe. In the Hebrew Bible and Judaism, the names of God include Elohim, Adonai, YHWH (Hebrew: יהוה‎) and others.

Which religion is best in the world?

Adherents in 2020

Religion Adherents Percentage
Christianity 2.382 billion 31.11%
Islam 1.907 billion 24.9%
Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist 1.193 billion 15.58%
Hinduism 1.161 billion 15.16%

Do Muslims worship the same God as Christians?

Most mainstream Muslims would generally agree they worship the same God that Christians — or Jews — worship. Zeki Saritoprak, a professor of Islamic studies at John Carroll University in Cleveland, points out that in the Quran there’s the Biblical story of Jacob asking his sons whom they’ll worship after his death.

How do Muslims get to heaven?

Muslims believe they get to Paradise by living religiously, asking Allah for forgiveness and showing good actions in their life. These good actions will be rewarded on the Last Day. Therefore, obeying the rules set by Allah is of ultimate importance.

Do Muslims believe in reincarnation?

Considering this, Quran rejects the concept of reincarnation, though it preaches the existence of soul. The principle belief in Islam is that there is only one birth on this earth. The Doomsday comes after death and will be judged as to one has to once for all go to hell or be unified with God.

What is the 2 most read book in the world?

The second most read book in the world is the Holy Quran. As per survey the Quran is not only most read book of the Islamic world, but it also the most recited book of all time. The Third most read book is Quotation from the works of Mao Tse –tung.

What are the top ten most read books?

Top 10 Most Read Books in The World

  1. The Bible – 3.9 Billion Copies.
  2. Quotations from the Works of Mao Tse-tung – 820 Million Copies.
  3. Harry Potter – 400 Million Copies.
  4. Lord of the Rings – 103 Million Copies.
  5. The Alchemist – 65 Million Copies.
  6. The Da Vinci Code – 57 Million Copies.

What are the top 10 selling books of 2020?

Best Sellers of 2020 in Books

  1. #1. A Promised Land. Barack Obama. …
  2. #2. Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family… Mary L. …
  3. #3. Where the Crawdads Sing. Delia Owens. …
  4. #4. My First Learn to Write Workbook: Practice for… …
  5. #5. Midnight Sun. …
  6. #6. Untamed. …
  7. #7. If Animals Kissed Good Night. …
  8. #8. White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White…

What is the oldest book that exists?

Do you, however, know which the oldest dated printed book still in existence even today is? That honour goes to The Diamond Sutra, a Buddhist religious text. While the book dates back to the year 868 AD, it was found only in 1907, having remained hidden for nearly a 1,000 years.

What is the best selling book now?


  • The Madness of Crowds by Louise Penny. …
  • Billy Summers by Stephen King. …
  • The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave. …
  • The Love Songs of W. E. B. du Bois by Honorée Fanonne Jeffers. …
  • Lightning Strike by William Kent Krueger. …
  • The Midnight Library by Matt Haig. …
  • The Noise by James Patterson; J. D. Barker.



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