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Who was Hitlers best general?

Who was Hitlers best general? No major biography of Field Marshal Erich von Manstein has appeared in English until now, though he was the greatest German general of World War II—and probably the greatest of all the war’s leaders.

Who was the last soldier killed in World War II?

Henry Gunther

Henry Nicholas Gunther
Died November 11, 1918 (aged 23) Chaumont-devant-Damvillers, Meuse, France
Buried Most Holy Redeemer Cemetery, Baltimore
Allegiance United States
Service/branch U.S. Army

Does Germany celebrate the end of ww2?

VE Day – which stands for ‘Victory in Europe’ Day – is the day in 1945 when the German armed forces signed an unconditional surrender, and the Second World War in Europe finally came to an end.

Who was the greatest German general?

Gen. Friedrich-Wilhelm von Mellenthin. And he was in a position to know: as a general staff officer during the war, Mellenthin had worked at one point or another for virtually all of Germany’s greatest commanders—including such legends as Rommel and Heinz Guderian.

What was the bloodiest day of ww2?

The Battle of Okinawa (April 1, 1945-June 22, 1945) was the last major battle of World War II, and one of the bloodiest. On April 1, 1945—Easter Sunday—the Navy’s Fifth Fleet and more than 180,000 U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps troops descended on the Pacific island of Okinawa for a final push towards Japan.

Who shot the last bullet in ww2?

The final shot was not a bullet–it was a torpedo, fired from the U.S. submarine Torsk at 2117 hours Greenwich Civil Time on Aug. 14, 1945, during a battle against several Japanese ships.

Who fired the first shot of ww2?

Alan Sanford, whose Naval crew fired the first American shot of World War II, was interred Wednesday at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. At 6:37 a.m. on Dec. 7, 1941, Seaman First Class Sanford, an 18-year-old gunner from St. Paul, Minn., was aboard the USS Ward, which was guarding the entrance to Pearl Harbor.

Does Germany wear poppies?

England and Germany players will wear black armbands bearing poppies for Friday’s friendly at Wembley. The Football Association and German Football Association (DFB) confirmed on Wednesday that both teams will wear them in remembrance of members of the armed forces, past and present.

What does Germany call VE Day?

Victory in Europe Day is the day celebrating the formal acceptance by the Allies of World War II of Germany’s unconditional surrender of its armed forces on Tuesday, 8 May 1945, marking the end of World War II in Europe.

Are there any World War 2 veterans still alive today?

The U.S. Army created the Grave Registration Service following World War I. … Of the 16 million Americans who served during World War II, 405,399 Americans died. This number includes the 72,000 Americans that still remain unaccounted for. There are only 325,574 World War II Veterans still alive today.

Who is the best general in the world?

Arsht does acknowledge his shortcomings, so check those out, too.

  1. Napoleon Bonaparte. “Guys, move over there.
  2. Julius Caesar. But he never got to try his own salad. …
  3. Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington. …
  4. Takeda Shingen. …
  5. Khalid Ibn al-Walid. …
  6. Hannibal Barca. …
  7. Ulysses S. …
  8. Frederick the Great. …

Who is the best general of all time?

Napoleon Bonaparte

After 43 battles, he has a WAR score of more than 16, which blows the competition away. There can be no question: Napoleon is the greatest tactical general of all time, and the math proves it.

What is a German general called?

General (German pronunciation: [ɡenəˈʁaːl]) is the highest rank of the German Army and German Air Force . As a four-star rank it is the equivalent to the rank of admiral in the German Navy. The rank is rated OF-9 in NATO.

General (Germany)

General General
Rank Four-star
NATO rank code OF-9
Pay grade B8
Formation 1956 (modern)

What is the bloodiest day in human history?

The deadliest earthquake in human history is at the heart of the deadliest day in human history. On January 23, 1556, more people died than on any day by a wide margin.

What is the bloodiest battle in human history?

Deadliest Battles In Human History

  • Operation Barbarossa, 1941 (1.4 million casualties)
  • Taking of Berlin, 1945 (1.3 million casualties) …
  • Ichi-Go, 1944 (1.3 million casualties) …
  • Stalingrad, 1942-1943 (1.25 million casualties) …
  • The Somme, 1916 (1.12 million casualties) …
  • Siege of Leningrad, 1941-1944 (1.12 million casualties) …

What is the bloodiest single day battle in history?

On this morning 150 years ago, Union and Confederate troops clashed at the crossroads town of Sharpsburg, Md. The Battle of Antietam remains the bloodiest single day in American history. The battle left 23,000 men killed or wounded in the fields, woods and dirt roads, and it changed the course of the Civil War.

Does anybody live on Iwo Jima today?

Throughout 1944, Japan conducted a massive military buildup on Iwo Jima in anticipation of a U.S. invasion. In July 1944, the island’s civilian population was forcibly evacuated, and no civilians have permanently settled on the island since.

When did the last ww2 soldier died?

Hiroo Onoda (Japanese: 小野田 寛郎, Hepburn: Onoda Hiroo, 19 March 1922 – 16 January 2014) was an Imperial Japanese Army intelligence officer who fought in World War II and was a Japanese holdout who did not surrender at the war’s end in August 1945.

How did most soldiers died in ww2?

Of the total number of deaths in World War II, approximately 85 percent—mostly Soviet and Chinese—were on the Allied side and 15 percent on the Axis side. Many deaths were caused by war crimes committed by German and Japanese forces in occupied territories.

How many died at Stalingrad?

Axis casualties during the Battle of Stalingrad are estimated to have been around 800,000, including those missing or captured. Soviet forces are estimated to have suffered 1,100,000 casualties, and approximately 40,000 civilians died.

Who fired the first shot America or Japan?

The first shot was fired by the destroyer USS Ward, who fired on and sunk a Japanese midget submarine that was trying to sneak into the harbor.

What type of weapons fired the first shot of Pearl Harbor?

A Japanese Midget Submarine was fired upon and subsequently sank. This was the first shot by Americans at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, hours before the attack on Hawaii.

Why does the Queen wear 4 poppies?

There’s said to be significance behind it. Poppies are worn as a mark of respect to those who died during the First World War and other conflicts.

Is the poppy just a British symbol?

Usage. Remembrance poppies are mostly used in the Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, all of which are realms of the Commonwealth of Nations—to commemorate the servicemen and women killed in conflict. They are used to a much lesser extent in the United States.

Do the US wear poppies?

The red poppy is a nationally recognized symbol of sacrifice worn by Americans since World War I to honor those who served and died for our country in all wars. It reminds Americans of the sacrifices made by our veterans while protecting our freedoms. Wear a poppy to honor those who have worn our nation’s uniform.



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