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Why does digital divide occur?

Why does digital divide occur? The gap in a digital divide may exist for a number of reasons. … Most commonly, a digital divide stems from poverty and the economic barriers that limit resources and prevent people from obtaining or otherwise using newer technologies.

Who Benefits From digital divide?

Who benefits from the rapid rise of this issue on the international agenda? This article argues that the promotion of the digital divide as a policy issue benefits four major groups: information capital, developing country governments, the development « industry, » and global civil society.

How can we stop digital divide?


  1. an affordable, good-bandwidth Internet service.
  2. devices with Internet access to meet everyone’s needs.
  3. educational pathways to use the Internet and other digital technologies.
  4. a quality technical support.

How can we solve digital divide?

What are the solutions to the digital divide?

  1. 1) Increase affordability. …
  2. 2) Empowering users. …
  3. 3) Improve the relevance of online content. …
  4. 4) Internet infrastructure development. …
  5. 5) Address gender gap in internet access.

How do you close the digital divide?

The digital divide can be closed by implementing digital inclusion policies, programs and tools that incorporate the following:

  1. Affordable, robust broadband internet service.
  2. Internet-enabled devices that meet the needs of the user.
  3. Access to digital literacy training.
  4. Quality technical support.

What are the 3 stages of digital divide?

Jakob Nielsen’s Digital Divide: The Three Stages

  • Stage 1: Economic Divide.
  • Stage 2: Usability Divide.
  • Stage 3: Empowerment Divide.

What is the effect of digital divide?

The digital divide has led to a rise of new alignments in the community whereby people are classified depending on ability to access internet services this is coupled with associated benefits, and therefore those with limited access to technology continue to lag behind in development matters.

What is digital divide and why is it important?

The term ‘digital divide’ is used to cover a broad range of social differences in access to and use of digital equipment and services, most notably personal com- puters, and the ability to access the internet in terms of both physical connection and facility of use.

Who is most affected by the digital divide?

This affects Black students and students living in urban areas the greatest, the report finds. About 25 percent of students live in areas that lack access to high-speed internet, an issue that impacts Native American students and students in rural communities the most.

How much would it cost to close the digital divide?

Biden’s original infrastructure budget proposed $100 billion for digital infrastructure. While large, it is actually not large enough: It mirrored a parallel proposal in Congress, which, in turn, drew upon a 2017 FCC estimate that it would cost $80 billion to expand broadband access to every household.

Why is closing the digital divide important?

As important as it is to our country to ensure access to what we think of as more traditional resources or services for all citizens, closing the digital divide in America strengthens the entire country economically and socially.

What is the digital divide and what is being done to close the gap?

Close The Gap – Help us bridge the digital divide! Close the Gap is an international social enterprise that aims to bridge the digital divide by offering high-quality, pre-owned computers donated by European companies to educational, medical and social projects in developing and emerging countries.

What are the stages of digital divide?

In his article, he breaks the digital divide up into three stages: the economic divide, the usability divide, and the empowerment divide.

How does digital divide affect society?

The global digital divide also contributes to the inequality of access to goods and services available through technology. Computers and the Internet provide users with improved education, which can lead to higher wages; the people living in nations with limited access are therefore disadvantaged.

How do you counter digital divide?


  1. an affordable, good-bandwidth Internet service.
  2. devices with Internet access to meet everyone’s needs.
  3. educational pathways to use the Internet and other digital technologies.
  4. a quality technical support.

How does digital divide affect the economy?

A very simple example of the economic impact of the digital divide is if you do not do business online – you cannot compete in the global, digital economy. … Medium sized businesses are losing their competitive advantage over small, agile firms that can offer specialized products in as much time.

What is the first level of digital divide?

At the early stage of research on the digital divide, access to the Internet and ownership of ICTs was seen both by scholars and by policy makers as the most crucial factor. The possibilities for an individual to access and use the Internet are at the base of the first level of digital divide.

What are examples of digital divide?

Causes and Examples of the Digital Divide

Factors such as low literacy and income levels, geographical restrictions, lack of motivation to use technology, lack of physical access to technology, and digital illiteracy contribute to the digital divide.

Can you give examples of how where the digital divide might exist in America?

For example, in 2016, Arkansas and Mississippi reported the lowest levels of broadband use (71% of households) and both states have low median incomes compared to the rest of the country. Overall, in 2015, over 75% of urban Americans used the internet in comparison to 67% of rural Americans.

Who is harmed from digital divide?

In conversations with more than forty labor leaders and organizers across the country, I found that the worker organizations that are disproportionately impacted by the digital divide are: 1) smaller organizations, 2) grassroots, community advocacy organizations such as worker centers, sometimes collectively referred …

What are the examples of digital divide?

Causes and Examples of the Digital Divide

Factors such as low literacy and income levels, geographical restrictions, lack of motivation to use technology, lack of physical access to technology, and digital illiteracy contribute to the digital divide.

What percent of the US doesn’t have internet?

Notwithstanding this progress, the Report finds that approximately 19 million Americans—6 percent of the population—still lack access to fixed broadband service at threshold speeds. In rural areas, nearly one-fourth of the population —14.5 million people—lack access to this service.

What is the digital divide in education?

The digital divide in education is the gap between those with sufficient knowledge of and access to technology and those without, according to the ACT Center for Equity in Learning. To examine the divide requires looking at who can connect to what and how they do so.

Is the digital divide growing or shrinking?

In terms of raw figures, the digital divide is shrinking steadfastly at a rate of 5% annually and internet growth statistics show that by the year 2028, 100% of the world population will have internet access.

What are the impacts of the digital divide?

Effects of the digital divide are immensely felt in the following areas: Education, job opportunities, communication, politics, consumer satisfaction, health Information, community Involvement, government, and emergency information.



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